Was Yeshua crucified on a cross, a stake or something else?

Whenever I post this article, it engenders a lot of heated, passionate debate. Often there is more heat than light in the responses. Hopefully, the following article will add light to the discussion as to whether Yeshua was crucified on a cross or not.

Whether you agree with me or not really doesn’t matter in the final analysis, for this is not a salvational issue. What is a salvational issue, though, is whether you have believing faith that Yeshua died for YOUR sins, and have YOU repented of those sins and accepted Yeshua as YOUR Master and Savior and are willing to stop sinning and live YOUR life in accordance with his Word? Make no mistake, this the most important thing in this discussion!

Matthew 27:40, The cross.For a discussion of the meaning of the Greek word stauros and the pagan connotations of the cross, see The Companion Bible (appendix 162).

A t-Shaped Cross Vs. an I-Shaped Cross Discussed

Stauros, the Koine Greek word for cross, like most words in all languages, has several meanings. To arrive at the true meaning of a word, we can’t just look at the first meaning in a list of dictionary definitions or choose the meaning that best suits our personal biases or theologies.

Too determine which dictionary definition of a word best applies to a particular word in a literary situation, we must consider all the meanings of a word and then look at the context of the literature in which the word is found, and then choose the meaning that best fits.

Even then, well meaning people will have differences of opinions on this (e.g. The Companion Bible, by E.W. Bullinger, appendix 162). This is the dilemma that scholars who translate literary documents from one language to another face. This is the case with the Koine Greek word, cross, which is found in the NT some 32 times.

Stauros literally refers to “an upright, pointed stake used for fencing or in the construction of a stockade.” It can also refer to a torture instrument, or a cross on which the Roman’s executed criminals. A stauros came in several basic forms: a vertical upright, pointed stake, or an upright stake with a crossbeam resembling our capital letter “T” or our small letter “t”, or it consisted of two intersecting beams of equal length like our letter “X”. Due to the sign that was attached to the top of Yeshua’s torture stake, it seems that his cross was shaped like a “t”; that is, the upright stake projected above the cross beam thus giving the Romans a place to attach the sign (The TDNT, vol 7, p. 572; International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, vol 1, pp. 826-827).

The reasons that I lean toward the idea that Yeshua was crucified on a t-shaped cross are several. As noted above, such a cross gave a place for the Romans to attach their sign (Mattt 27:37, Mark 15:26, Luke 23:38, John 19:19).

Additionally, more than one nail was used in Yeshua’s hands to attach him to the cross (John 20:25). The use of two nails would have been more necessary had the cross been t-shaped as opposed to an upright stake.

Moreover, the Tabernacle of Moses is a symbolic and prophetic picture of the death, burial and glorification of Yeshua. It is literally a multi-dimensional gospel tract! As such, the furnishings therein are arranged in the form of a t-shape cross.

Similarly, the tribal encampments around the tabernacle are laid out like a perfect t-shaped cross (see Num 2). This is a picture of the believer who, through the ritual of baptism for the remission of sins (see Rom 6:3–11) must symbolically identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Yeshua when coming to faith in him.

Furthermore, the marks made by the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of the Israelites’ homes on their first Passover in Egypt made the outline of a perfect t-shaped cross (Exodus 12:7). There are several dozen aspects of this first Passover that prophetically pointed forward to Yeshua who was the Passover Lamb of Elohim slain from the foundation of the world for the redemption of man from his sin, and who fulfilled these symbols perfectly by his death. The t-shaped cross is but one of these prophetic symbols. An I-shaped cross would not have fit this symbology.

Moreover, when Moses initiated the the tabernacle, his steps form a perfect cross—actually a cross with an arrow on it that points man into the holy of holies, which is a picture of YHVH’s heavenly throne room (Exod 40).

Next, when the angelic messenger of YHVH went through Jerusalem before its fall to the Babylonians to search out those saints that would be spared from that judgment, he put a mark in the form of a Paleo-Hebrew letter tav (shaped like our small letter t) on their foreheads. This was another prophetic symbol that pointed to Yeshua, who, through his work on the cross, is our salvation (Ezek 9:4).

Finally, when Jacob was prophetically praying over his two grandsons who whose descendants would largely become the Christian church, he crossed his arms in the shape of a Paleo-Hebrew letter tav, which, pictographically, some take to mean,”sign or seal of the covenant” (Gen 48:14).

With regard to the Scriptures that say that Yeshua was crucified on a tree, the Hebrew word for tree is etz, which can mean both tree and stick (e.g. see Ezek 37:16). A cross whether in a t or an I shape is still made of wood and both can fit the definition of the Hebrew word etz. But how many trees have you seen that don’t have branches? More trees in their natural state resemble a t shape than an I shape. Some trees even have trunks with branches that are opposite each other on the trunk like a t-shaped cross. So in light of these facts, it is not a logical stretch to call a t-shaped cross “a tree.”

Personally, I don’t care whether Yeshua died on a t or an I shaped cross—only that he died for my sins. This is the main point! Let’s never stray from the importance of this truth. Furthermore, I have no ax to grind in this argument. I could care less about defending any cherished doctrines or traditions of the church. I care only about finding and then believing the truth as a found in the Bible. The overwhelming evidence points to the fact that Yeshua was crucified on a t, and not an I shaped cross. That is the reason, and the only reasons, I subscribe to this idea.

I will conclude with this personal testimony. I was born and raised in a Torah-believing church that look downed on traditional Christianity. Sadly, we had an arrogant Pharisaical superiority complex. We rejected many biblical truths simply because the mainstream church believed them. The idea of a t-shaped cross was one of those ideas we rejected. It wasn’t until I was in my early 30s after leaving that church that I began to examine objectively the truth about the shape of the cross and became convinced based on the biblical evidence that it was t-shaped, not I-shaped as I had been convinced to believe previously. When I presented the biblical evidence to some family members who were still in that church, they flat-out rejected what I had to say—not because it wasn’t the truth, but simply because their minds were closed and the truth didn’t conform to their biases and bigoted opinions. They had been psychologically conditioned to believe something else for the wrong reason. Sadly, there are too many people in our day who are returning to the biblical, Torah foundations of our faith and are rejecting biblical truths simply because the church believes the same things. Shame on us for our lack of intellectual honestly. I’ve been there and done that! I had to repent to this sin.

The bottom line is this: Whether you believe Yeshua was crucified on an I-shaped stake, a t-shaped cross, a literal tree or that he was hung on and nailed to some other wooden contraptions, the main thing is that he died four your sins, and that those who have faith in him, repent of their sins, and love him by obeying him and walking as he walked will be saved. Period. Have you made this spiritual transaction with Yeshua the Messiah?


7 thoughts on “Was Yeshua crucified on a cross, a stake or something else?

  1. Hi Nathan, just wondering if the Torah believing church of your you was the Worldwide Church of God or something else.


    • My foot has stepped into many spiritual waters in the area of Christianity over the past six decades including traditional Protestant Christianity, including the Charismatic, Pentecostal movements, as well as Adventism, Messianic Judaism, Messianic Israel and even rabbinic Judaism. And yes, I was raised in Armstrongism, which I left nearly 30 years ago. As with all churches and biblical-based religious flavors that I have sampled over the years, I have kept those things that lined up with the truth of the Bible, and let the rest go. Presently, my wife and I along with our ministry are aligned with no one and have no formal or informal spiritual relationship with any church, denomination or spiritual “movement.” Our focus is only on Yeshua the Messiah and his Torah-Word and our allegiances are to that. I like to say that I am both pre- and post-denominational in my orientation. HalleluYah!

  2. We are in agreement. I would like to know exactly how the inkhorn mark of Ezekiel can be known to be a tav. I heard recently that the sign written by Pilate above Yeshua’s head was actually this in Hebrew “Yeshua, Ha Nazarene, And (the symbol being a vav =nail , connecting something)king of the Yehudim=YHVH! That is what upset the Pharisees who then told Pilate not to write that but that He claimed to be that and of course Pilate said “what I have written, I have written!” See, it is written, right above Yeshua’s head!

    • The word “mark” in Ezek 9:4 is the Hebrew word tav, which is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet/alephbet. Since the time of Ezra the scribe (just after the Babylonian exile) modern Hebrew letter tav has looked like this ת, while during the time of Ezekiel when the Israelites were still using the Paleo-Hebrew letters, the letter tav looked like our small t or a cross. Simple linguistic fact of history. A coincidental occurrence? Highly doubtful for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear! We’re saved from the judgments of Elohim against sin by what happened at the cross. Ezek 9:4 is a messianic prophecy pointing to Yeshua’s work at the cross and the basic message of salvation. HalleluYah!

  3. The blood points on the door form a triangle. If you place a small t (cross) within the doorway and align the blood points, you get a second triangle, the star of David. Placing 3 tavs beneath the name of YHVH as the vowel points will give you the truth. No vowel points or anything else should ever be placed above the name of YHVH.

  4. We definitely share the same believe on the t stake for the reasons you have mentioned.
    Sonja & John

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