What to Pray For…

The eyes of YHVH are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. (Psalm 34:15)

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16)

  1. Pray for President Trump…for protection and good health for him and his family, for wisdom, knowledge, discernment, self control, courage, strength to lead our nation in spite of the opposition against truth and righteousness.
  2. Pray for the spiritual and political opposition…that their eyes would be open to Truth that they might turn to Father and follow His ways.
  3. Pray for the general population… that Father would pour His conviction out upon all and that we would all turn to Him in confession of sin, repentance, and obedience to Elohim.
  4. Pray that the conservatives of America would have the courage and strength to stand up and be active to the goal of protecting our southern border.
  5. Pray for the people who have so far been unable or unwilling to understand the sanctity of life from conception, so that they would reverse their thinking and remove unrighteous laws from the books that allow the murder of innocent babies.
  6. Pray for the people who honestly NEED asylum in America…that they would be shown proper channels, so that our nation could be a help to those truly in need.
  7. Pray for those in charge of voter registration to accomplish a purge of illegal voters, so that our elections would be AMERICAN elections.
  8. Pray for victims of human trafficking…that they would be found and returned and that this practice would be stopped.
  9. Pray for the leaders of “the church” who are whitewashing the Truth and deceiving their congregants.
  10. Pray that our Father’s will be accomplished in all things and that Yeshua would come soon.

More prayer points will be coming that will not only include those in America, but people of other nations as well.

If you have suggestions for additions to this prayer list, please post them in the comments section.

Thank you for praying!


4 thoughts on “What to Pray For…

  1. Thank you for these prayer points. I often am unable to articulate like I would like to and this is a great help!

  2. When its hardest to pray, pray the hardest. I pray that Nancy Pelosi would bend the knee in repentance and be convicted, convinced and have a testimony that will shock other’s eyes wide open to the Truth! thanks for this post 🙂

  3. I suggest printing these out and using as a base reminder for prayer daily….keep the list near your prayer spot…add to the list as weekly additions are made …

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