What is the evil eye?

Luke 11:33–34, No one…eye is evil. As Jonah witnessed to Nineveh proclaiming the message of repentance (vv. 29–32), even so, Yeshua is teaching us that we must do the same to our generation.

Furthermore, if when proclaiming the gospel message of repentance (i.e. turning from sin or Torahlessness and turning to Yeshua) our eye is evil—a Hebraism indicating greedy or covetous person, then our whole message will be compromised or tainted. How is this? If we have been called to preach the good news or gospel of the kingdom of Elohim, but we’re in it to make money, then those hearing our message may view it as suspect because they see behind our preaching an ulterior motive. Are we preaching the message out of pure altruism and seeking no financial gain or other personal benefit, or do we have a hidden agenda—namely, personal enrichment or fame? If the latter is the case, are people going to believe our message more or less? How is this going to reflect on the message itself—favorably or negatively? Is this going to help bring people into the kingdom of Elohim or keep them out of it?

Sadly, many in the mainstream church have perfected the nefarious art of taking people’s money, while attempting to legitimize it scripturally. Some approaches are more blatant than others, but taking people’s money out of coercion has basically become a standard operating procedure in the modern church culture. Shamefully, the religion of the Bible has become big business! This is unbiblical. 

For example, you’ve all probably been in churches where the preacher disparages the law of Moses by saying “it was against us.” He’ll go on, “Thank God it was nailed to the cross and done away with and that Yeshua did it all for us, so now we don’t have to.” And then they’ll continue, “And now Sister Malarkey will play a piece on the organ as we pass the offering plate to take up your tithes and offerings.” So what’s wrong with this picture? Can you see the logical disconnect here? Simply this. The tithing command is in the Torah-law the preacher just said was done away with! “Away with the Sabbath, the dietary laws, and those terrible Jewish feasts that YHVH hates, but don’t forget to drop your tithes in offering plate as it comes around!”

Not only this, but too many greedy and misguided preachers have even learned how to con people into feeling good about handing over their money to them. This is the evil eye or dark eye to which Yeshua was referring in this passage. These carnal and evil preachers have their reward here and now—mammon, while, at the same time, their heavenly bank account is likely nearly empty.

Because of this unbiblical approach that is rooted in greed and covetousness, many heathens not only want nothing to do with the church and Christians, but since we (i.e. the examples of our lives) may be the only Bible some people will ever read, many spiritually lost folks have totally rejected the gospel message itself along withe Bible and Yeshua just because of us.

People need to be able to give financially into ministries that preach the gospel and to help support those who are doing so, but out of freewill, love and from a willing heart, not due to mental and emotional manipulation by silver-tongued preachers seeking to line their pockets with gold. Giving financially to YHVH’s ministers is just, righteous and biblically encouraged, but, at the same time, Yeshua’s disciples must preach the gospel whether they are remunerated for doing so or not. This simply is “our reasonable service” and duty before Elohim. It is something we owe to Yeshua our Master who bought and paid for our sins with his own blood.

So don’t pass the offering plate! Instead, you can place your love offering in that little inconspicuous wooden box in the back of the room. It’s there for those who want to and give can give cheerfully from a willing heart, and not out of agenda-driven compulsion! For the rest of you who pass by that little box each week, keep being takers and put nothing back into the kingdom of Elohim (be it your time, talent or treasure). You will reap what you sow—nothing!


2 thoughts on “What is the evil eye?

  1. Wow! This is so good! The tithes and offerings were to support the temple priests and the poor, the widows and the orphans in the land, that hasn’t changed. But as usual man thinks to change times and laws and then because he decides to live that way instead of THE WAY, he thinks it has been changed, NOT!

  2. So well presented, you hit the core of the issue with current church, they all after administration and managing assets or providing facilities for youth etc., and finally portioning tiny bit ONLY to Gospel work.

    Now thinking back, it’s truly a miracle so many people are flocking to churches in spite of this abuse of money, grace of Yeshua.

    thanks for your article, Shalom!

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