When you take the test of life what grade will you get?

Genesis 22:1, Elohim did tempt Abraham. Trials and temptations show the disposition of one’s character and the true metal of the human heart, whether it is righteous or unrighteous, pure or impure. When tested do you whine, grumble, accuse others, defend yourself, backbite and resort to slander? Or do you submit to the purifying fires of YHVH’s spiritual forge? YHVH tested Abraham ten times. Sacrificing Isaac was the last and most severe test. His faith and obedience was steady. When was the last time you faced such a test? What was your response? Did you pass or fail the test?

Will you pass or fail the tests of life?

Will you pass or fail the tests of life?

This chapter recounting the near sacrifice of Isaac—called the Akeidah or binding of Isaac—is full of prophetic allusions pointing to the ministry of Yeshua the Messiah, the Seed of Abraham, whose first coming was still 2000 years in the future. Read this chapter and explain how the following things prophetically point to Yeshua:

  • verse 2: Of which famous verse in the Gospels does this remind you?
  • verse 2: Moriah
  • verse 2: burnt offering
  • verse 4: on the third day
  • verse 4: saw the place afar off
  • verse 6: laid [the wood] upon Isaac, his son
  • verse 8: Elohim will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering
  • verse 9: and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood
  • verse 11: the angel of YHVH
  • verse 13: a ram
  • verse 13: caught in the thicket
  • verse 13: horns
  • verse 18: in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed (hint: see Gal 3:16).

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