New Video: Getting in Tune with the Heavenly Philharmonic

This video discusses the deeper implications of the biblical Feast of Weeks (Shavuot or Pentecost) and how through YHVH’s Torah and his Holy Spirit humans are able to get in sync spiritually with the heart and will of the Creator. When heaven and earth meet, spiritual harmony occurs and life and blessings flow.


2 thoughts on “New Video: Getting in Tune with the Heavenly Philharmonic

  1. I really enjoyed your teaching, Natan, and relived my own baptism in the Holy Spirit in 1973. All the things you taught I can testify to — they are real, they are valid, and they are powerful. Although you don’t need this experience to assure your salvation, I can’t imagine being without this precious Gift for earthly life. I pray in the Sjpirit almost daily, and ;though I sometimes don’t get an immediate interpretation, it often comes on a very important issue that I will need to know about in the days following. When I am helping someone in prayer trying to understand why they are still in bondage, I and sometimes both of us will pray in tongues, asking for the interpretation, which usually comes through the seeker, describing a wounding event or a sinful practice that God then helped them pray through to victory. Even though Paul describes it as the “least”of the gifts, it is a door opener to the other gifts of the Spirit And truly ANY gift (least or greatest) is to be highly sought after because of Who offers it! A person in the middle of a vicious demonic attack was helpless in the enemy’s hands, until a person with a very ordinary singing voice, sang over the “victim” in tongues for an extended time. Yes, I am an enthusiastic advocate for all the Gifts of the Spirit, starting with the entry level, “tongues” and extending through all God offers for us to live victoriously. I’m looking forward to your next teaching on the subject, Natan. Thanks.

  2. Thank you for your wonderful and confirming testimony.

    By the way, could you expound more fully on the idea that the gift of tongues is a gateway to the other gifts of the Holy Spirit?

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