5 thoughts on “Announcing Sukkot NW 2014

  1. How can We make plans to join you if you don’t know when this will happening ???
    We have been praying for a Feast site in Southern Oregon for many years, and have been relegated to observing with other groups in cities and areas other than near our homes in Coos Bay area.
    Please let us know more …

    • As I said in my post, stay tuned for the details at HoshanaRabbah.org or SukkotNW.org. I’m glad you’re excited. Please be patient. The planning of such an event takes a lot of time and energy and it’s one step at a time. The venue will be the Indian Mary Campground on the Rogue River five minutes out of Merlin. We have reserved a spot there to pitch a large tent overlooking the river to have our meetings in. That’s all we can tell you at this time. Stay tuned!!!

    • The dates are “flexible” because the new moon of the 7th month can first be seen on 9/25/14, but it’s not “for sure”. With that in mind, we’ve reserved the meeting place for 10/9 – 10/18. Sukkot may begin on 10/9 or 10/10. If it’s 10/9, it ends on Erev Shabbat, so we’ll stay through 10/18 (weekly Sabbath) at sunset. If it’s 10/10… then we’ll end on 10/18 at sunset. We are planning to return home on 10/19 in either case, which is the first day of the week, a Sunday. The first day of Sukkot’s date is not certain, but it ends at the same time either way.

      So… Sukkot begins the evening of either 10/9 or 10/10 and goes through the evening of 10/18. That will all be explained and we’ll have more details when I get the website finished and uploaded at http://sukkotnw.org.

      Hope that helps and we’re happy to answer your questions… we’re just still in the planning stages right now. We lost our meeting building last year due to storm damage, so we’re in a new location this year. We’re excited about this year and will have the website together soon!

      ~Sandi Lawrence

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