Are You Under the Law? I Hope Not!

Romans 3:19,  Under [the] Torah-law … all the world guilty before Elohim. Paul uses the term “under [the] law” (also found in 6:14) twelve times in his writings. In this case he is referring to those who are under the penalty for violating the Torah (the penalty of which is death, Rom 6:23; 1 John 3:4). This we know, for he speaks of guilt in the latter half of this verse: “and all the world may become guilty [subject to the judgment of Elohim] before Elohim.” 

The bottom line of what Paul is saying here is that all humans (both Jews and Gentiles) are guilty before Elohim. This is the point he is driving at, as we stated above.

Paul is breaking up the fallow ground of men’s hearts, showing them their sinfulness (unrighteousness), that they have violated the holy and righteous standards of Elohim’s law (the Torah) and in this condition need a Redeemer (a message Paul preaches more strongly later in the book of Romans).

It is Paul’s mission to bring the two opposing sides (Jew and Gentile) together, to show them their common state of sinfulness and their common need for Yeshua, the Redeemer, and their common need to dwell together in Torah-community as the body of believers in Yeshua. This is indeed the tall order to which Paul dedicated his life’s efforts and that he terms “the ministry of reconciliation” to which he has been called (2 Cor. 5:18).


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