4 thoughts on “Happy Passover!

  1. U say y died on a Wednesday ? If sun goes and comes again its a day!first fruit day is Sunday u got y dead 4 days see u in the white room u have been told,don’t make him a liar

  2. Shalom, this is Sandi, Natan’s wife (that gravatar photo is attached to the website email, so Natan’s photo comes up for me.)

    Perhaps a couple of resources might be helpful. I’ve put together a Passover Timeline on our website at: http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/passover_week_timeline.html . There are 3 graphics and the last one shows when we believe Scripture shows Yeshua went into the grave and then rose from the grave. Three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

    Waving of the First Fruits and the first of the counting of weeks IS on the first day of the week, but that actually begins on Saturday night, after Sabbath ends.

    See also Natan’s article on the Resurrection of Yeshua at http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/pdfs/firstfruits.pdf

    Let us know if you have further questions!

  3. Thank you for making all your Passover materials available online. This being our first passover, they made it very easy to prepare and made our seder memorable. I combined your haggadah with a Jewish children’s haggadah (since we have young ones!), so that they would be able to understand too!

  4. Hi Natan and Sandi!

    We browsed the net for a refresher on the Passover time line and how it coincides with the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and of course found you! (After some other scary stuff!)

    I think we might have brushed past your site somewhere in the past, but this was a heart warming discovery!

    So where to meet… aaaahhhh, you guys are sitting in another beautiful part of the world, while we are in South Africa, Pretoria!

    We had a lovely Pesach Seder with a ministry called Emet Ministries on Wednesday night, our pastor being a Messianic Jew himself. We meet with this ministry while we are still involved with another church. You can visit http://www.emetministries.co.za if you like.

    As for us, we are in the paths of transition and ever so often we have the “Where do they meet” tug on the heart. Point is, do you have a point of contact on this side of the world? (Meaning South Africa, and specifically around Pretoria-Johannesburg!)

    Your website has blessed us today!

    Chag Pesach Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!

    Dirk and Adrene

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