Let’s All Go to the Movies!

With excitement, I am happy to announce the placement of my first biblical teaching video on YouTube. The subject is “Redeemed Israel — The One New Man.”

Here’s the promo on it:

Who is the “one new man” that the Apostle Paul mentions in Ephesians 2:15? As a believer in Yeshua/Jesus, do you view yourself as a Gentile, Jew, Israelite or something else? Understanding the answers to these questions will effect your spiritual destiny and your level of rewards in the Elohim’s eternal kingdom.

Okay, my first movie isn’t going to win any Academy Awards — probably won’t even get nominated 😉 — but oh well, we’re shooting for a higher prize — right? But considering that it’s my first effort, I hope you’ll indulge me a wee bit and find the blessing in this video production despite its homespun, novice qualities.

I’m teaching myself the iMovie 11 video editing program, and still have a long ways to go in mastering the fine art of video production and editing, but I’ve at least got an opening and ending with music and graphics. Throughout the video, scripture references are listed over the top of the video, along with scripture quotations inset as needed as well as other graphics. So it’s not just me talking for 45 minutes. Yikes! The video contains graphic elements to hopefully keep the subject a little more lively and interesting to the viewer and take the pressure off of my, some might say, non-photogenic mug.

The sound quality came out really nice, and considering that the video camera is my trusty iPhone 4S, the video quality is nice too.

Take a look and let me know what you think. I’m already thinking of a number of improvements to make down the road, but be patient — Rome wasn’t built… well, you know the rest of it.

The most important thing about the video is the Word of Elohim is going out. I want lives to be touched for the glory of Yeshua and the kingdom of YHVH. I have this burning passion to reach lives for Yeshua. It’s like an addiction! It’s like I was placed on this earth for this purpose and can’t help myself. (Is there a 12-step program called “Evangelists Anonymous”? Well, I wouldn’t go!) Can anyone else relate to this, or am I just one of those incurable “Bible-thumping Jesus freaks”? The thing is this: I have tasted and seen that YHVH Elohim is good and I can’t get over it. Besides, what are the alternatives to serving Elohim? Becoming a fly and cow worshipping Hindu? Or a Hare Krishna or Moslem, Satanist or witch? How about a New Age tree-hugging mother earth worshipper? I can just see myself on my face before a tree just before I pick up my chainsaw to cut it down! (For those of you who don’t know, I own a tree service!) You get the point.

Bottom line, I love YHVH with all my heart and want to help make the world a better place for him. Thank for joining me in this wonderful journey into eternity!

Another video teaching is in progress and will be uploaded soon to our channel at http://www.youtube.com/hoshanarabbah. So stay tuned!



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