The Abrahamic Covenant Revisited

Genesis 12:1, Elohim’s covenant with Abraham. In the recent past on this blog, I inserted several teachings on the Abrahamic Covenant and how this covenant serves as the model for the process by which we as New Covenant believers are redeemed. If you didn’t have a chance to read them, or would like to refresh your understanding, I invite you to read them now.

To access these posts, either use the search and find box at the top of this page by typing in “Abrahamic Covenant,” or click on the phrase “Abrahamic Covenant” in the tag cloud on the right side of this page. Either way, all my past posts on this subject will pop up.

Understanding the Abrahamic Covenant is beneficial to your spiritual understanding in several ways.

  • It shows the character and nature of Elohim and how he relates to men legally.
  • It shows how the salvation of the redeemed believer is rooted in the Torah and, specifically, the Abrahamic Covenant. It’s not an invention of the Apostle Paul or the New Testament Christians.
  • We see the consistency  of the Word of Elohim from beginning to end, and the immutable nature of Elohim.
  • It will help you to understand the background of what Paul is saying in the Epistle to the Romans—especially in chapter 4.

Happy reading!


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