How Torah Obedience Improves One’s Life and an Understanding of the Bible

Coming to a more Hebraic understanding of the Bible as well as walking out a more Torah-pursuant and Torah-obedient lifestyle pays rich dividends to the honest Truth seeker and lover of Yeshua the Messiah/YHVH Elohim.

Contrary to the traditions of men, the lies and propaganda that is popularly taught in the mainstream church system, a holistic approach to the Bible including a positive view vis-à-vis YHVH’s Torah-law brings many blessings to one’s life, clears up much confusion about the Bible, intensifies one’s love for Yeshua and Elohim and opens up amazing panoramic vistas of understanding into the deeper mysteries of the Bible.

One also gains a much deeper understanding into mind, heart and character of the Creator. One has no idea of the unfathomable blessings that await a person unless or until one puts a toe in these rich spiritual waters, as Nathan explains in this video.


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