The Book of Job—Shut Up & Just Have Faith in Elohim!

The Book of Job is a classic and age old story of religious “experts”, who are actually fools, clashing with the Truth of who Elohim really is. From time immemmorial, finite man has been trying quantify the Creator and stuff him into boxes that can be labeled and marketed for personal gain and glory. Most churches, denominations, seminaries and religious movements are guilty of this. Elohim is much bigger than this and refuses to play this silly and childish game as the Book of Job reveals. He is who he is and he is infinite and his ways are beyond man’s ability to understand. So just shut up, accept him in faith, worship and obey him knowing that he loves you and has your best interests in mind. When you walk with him, no matter what you have to go through, he will lead you to the other side and bless you immensely.


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