The Satanists and Luciferians—A No Show!

Various local and national Satanic/Luciferian groups announced that they would hold a rally and march at about a dozen state capitals and other cities across America, including Salem, Oregon near where I live. Their purpose was to declare the arrival of the Luciferian/Satanic New World Order that the book of Revelations talks about. They stated on their web sites that, basically, Lucifer was the true Messiah and that he is love—an invasion of the truth. They referenced the book of Revelation in their public announcements. That ticked me off!

Back in the 1990s, I used to be a street activist, a street preaching urban missionary in Portland, Oregon and surrounding areas. In 1998, YHVH released me from that ministry to start and pastor a local congregation, which I did until retiring from that in 2016. Since 1998 I had not taken to the streets until yesterday.

I spent Shabbat praying and making some large signs with Bible verses to hold up in the face of the Luciferians/Satanists at the rally they planned to have on the steps of our state capital building. Then on Sunday morning, my son Jared and I along with a lifelong Christian friend of mine loaded up our stuff and headed for Salem. We were in prayer all the way and doing spiritual warfare. We got to the capital building early. There were no Satanists yet. There was another Hebraic brother already there with tzitzits and shofar in hand. We quickly connected and began praying. Pretty soon, some other Sunday Christians began showing up. By 2 PM, when the rally was supposed to starts, there were about 30 to 40 Christians from various local churches. We were all waiting for the Satanists to arrive.

Shortly after 2 PM, Aaron (the Hebraic brother and I) decided to mount the steps of the capital building—to take the high ground—and we positioned ourselves in front the the huge bronze doors of the capital building. I placed my signs up against the doors. From that vantage point, we began to lead the Christians in prayer, praise, worship and spiritual warfare. Everyone joined in, arms raised in worship of Yeshua/Jesus and declaring his sovereignty over that area. More Christians flowed in. Still no Satanists.

By now it’s 2:30 PM and we’re having our own rally. In between praying, from my pulpit of the steps of the capital building, I gave several short teaching talks. I explain the spiritual and prophetic significance of the shofar, and I even slip in the concept of the Torah, the importance of following YHVH’s commandments as a way to love Elohim and our neighbor and, oh by the way, I just happen to mention in the concept of Shabbat. Aaron then sings the shema in Hebrew, and I translated into English and explain the significance of the shema. I then invited some other believers to come up and to pray, and we stepped down and let them do so while we come into agreement. Still no Satanists!

We did a Jericho prayer walk around the capital building. By now, there are 40 to 50 believers present. Still no Satanists. Were they trolling us? Did they get scarred off? Don’t know. All I know is that we had our own prayer and praise rally. I lifted up the name of Yeshua and Elohim, introduced our Sunday brothers to a more Hebraic understanding of things, and the body of Yeshua from many churches assembled to confront the forces of darkness. We prayed for our state and national leaders. We lifted up our nation in prayer and united to praise Yeshua the Messiah and declare our faith in him and the defeat of Satan and his minions. It was all good! HalleluYah!

Finally, a BIG thank you for all of you who prayed for our venture. Things went differently than we expected, but we know that YHVH Elohim was in charge and his grander schemes and purposes were accomplished. For sure, he was glorified and Yeshua was lifted up and for that we are grateful.


10 thoughts on “The Satanists and Luciferians—A No Show!

  1. Everything according to our YHWH TSABAOTHwill!
    May the passionate love for our King Unite Israel and conquer our differences in Messiah… then No enemy shall be able stand against us for our King will fight before us.

  2. Praise YAH …our Elohim…what a Miracle!!..& such a wonderful outcome…

    Love the signs and the verses…Love the photos attached to this post… and all praise & honour to what a Mighty Elohim you/we serve…

    this is the BEST news/outcome we have seen or heard of for a a long time…

    I am going to make sure I show my fellow friends/believers this post to read to show them that The Blood of the Lamb and the Power of Elohim overcame the forces of darkness in the spirit & in the natural realm.

  3. Great testimony wish I was there mishpocha Praise Yahway.You had the Devil on the run.Good job Watchmen!!!

  4. It was for YHVH’s purpose not theirs. Blessings on your obedience Natan, and many heard and He was glorified.

  5. I suppose your prayers kept the satanists away. After all, Elohim is the all powerful Creator and the adversary is just that, an adversary.
    Who knows, there might have been an army of angels stationed there with you, invisible to the people, but noticed by the adversary.
    Thank you for standing in the gap.
    Love, Sonja

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