If your forefathers broke a nation’s law, does that now free you to ignore that law?

Deuteronomy 29:15, Not here with us today.This verse  teaches us that YHVH made his covenant not only with the Israelites present there that day, but with all those who would live in the future. What are the implications of this with regard to your life? How does it impact what you do, how you act, your attitude and relationship with your Maker to know that covenants were made 3500 years ago that have a bearing on our lives today as Redeemed Israelites? 

There are those in the modern church who will say, “Since I’m not an Israelite, but I’m a Gentile Christian, therefore, I have no obligation toward the Torah, and thus the Old Testament laws mean little or nothing to me.” 

My response to this argument that, with the flick of the hand and the nod of the head, dismisses two-thirds of Scripture—the Word of Elohim—is simple. The idea that a born again believer is still a Gentile—a lie that the church system has convinced most Christians to believe—isn’t biblically substantiated. The Scriptures are clear on this point. For example, Paul calls redeemed believers the “one new man” and part of the nation of Israel. And who are the ex-Gentiles that Paul talks about who were aliens to the covenants (plural, referring to the Abrahamic Covenant revealing the path to salvation, the Mosaic Covenant revealing the path of righteousness and the New Covenant, which is the previous two covenants written on our spiritually circumcised hearts) of Israel, but have now been brought into the commonwealth of Israel through the work of Yeshua? (See Eph 2:11–19.) Remember, there’s no Gentile gate in the New Jerusalem—only the 12 gates named after the 12 tribes of Israel. So what tribe are you?

Additionally, some might question whether covenants made with one’s forefathers are applicable to us today. If this is your case, then let us pose the following question: Did the founding fathers of America make laws more than 200 years ago (i.e. the U. S. Constitution) that are binding upon us today? If so, how much more applicable upon us are covenants made by our forefathers 3500 years ago with YHVH? Just because our ­forefathers broke their covenant with YHVH does not free us to violate YHVH’s laws any more than if someone in the past violates a nation’s constitutional law frees this frees future generations from violating that law. Think about it! 


3 thoughts on “If your forefathers broke a nation’s law, does that now free you to ignore that law?

  1. It’s amazing that even those people who believe in the replacement theology, that they are replacing Israel, won’t accept however that they should take over Israel’s responsibilities towards Elohim.

    • It all goes to show the deceptiveness and rebellious pride of the human mind when it comes to obeying Yah’s laws. Rom 8:7 and Jer 17:9 were drilled into my head when I was growing up to explain this apathy and even antipathy for the commandments of Elohim. Those two verses say it all. It’s so amazing to me that people hate Elohim’s laws so much when they are simply for our own good, for our blessing and to keep us on the path of good and light that leads us to him and eventually to immortality in his kingdom as his children, and they keep us from the path of hurt and self-destruction.

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