Thank you for your comments and pushback!

I want to take this opportunity to thank  all  who have commented on this forum in the last few days, whether they have agreed or disagreed with me, regarding the comments I made on several news articles I recently posted on this blog.

It is critically important that we as Bible believers address the issues pertaining to the current events (e.g. immigration, border walls, abortion, morality) happening in our society, and do so from a logical and reason-based biblical perspective.

On many of these issues, I have waited for weeks or even months to make public comment, while, at the same time, seeking the Father’s heart based on his Written Word, the Bible, as to what my response should be.

When I have finally sensed a release in my spirit to post my views, at the same time, I expected and welcomed civil and respectful pushback from my readers. This is the proverbial iron sharpening iron process about which the book of Proverbs speaks. This is not only constructive but appreciated, and, hopefully, will serve to bring us all more in line with biblical truth, thus helping to unify us in the face of opposition from an ungodly, neo-Baalistic world.

It’s imperative that the saints refine their understandings of and responses to the current issues facing our society in light of biblical truth. This is how we will be salt and light to the ungodly world. This can be accomplished by giving those around us a more biblical perspective on these current issues as we point them to the eternal values of divinely revealed biblical truth, as opposed to the society’s general approach of blowing with the winds of situational ethics or moral relativism where the ends justify the means and immutable truth is nowhere to be found, and is even considered a passé concept and not even open for discussion.

As followers of Yeshua and his word, we must discuss these issues, and, behind the scenes out of the public view, we must work out what our responses will be to society’s problems, and determine how to bring the light of biblical truth to bear on the problems facing us. This is one way the gospel is preached and the kingdom of Elohim is expanded.


5 thoughts on “Thank you for your comments and pushback!

  1. A resounding Amein Natan to to all you have conveyed in this post Complaints comments and compliments ….a thumbs up from myself.

  2. Shalom All and Shavua Tov

    Praise Abba

    Without discussion and maintaining communications within the body we are lost to our own imaginations and our perception is not as clear nor deep.

    Understanding is best gained by seeking the truth in love and it is love to listen and respond with care & not fear. I appreciate that from this blog and ministry and am learning that.

    We may not be in total agreement on every matter but what determines if the boat of fellowship will float is how we deal with conflicting views to maintain peace (not at any cost) but as opportunity to find our way together if possible.

    Each of us has differing interpretations to be sure of some aspects but most assuredly each of us has to be faithful to the leading they are given.

    Sometimes I think this is arranged for a differing aspect of the Spirit to be shown to each of us, for us to be re-calibrated closer to the Plumbline’s intent.

    I think Elohim is very wise in using one thing to achieve a great deal.

    I did wholeheartedly agree on the wall and immigration compared to a foreign invasion, as the foolishness of ‘worldly’ love is not wisdom , nor is the foolishness of Christ’s love appreciated as wisdom in the world’s eyes.

    Love in Messiah to all who struggle against the lie to live His Truth daily.

  3. Amen! Thank you Nathan!

    The moment we enter into a debate or argument, whether it be a friendly exchange or a heated battle, the goal is not to win the round. The goal is for each person to find their own reaction, their own ego, their own negativity that is being triggered by the exchange. The moment we do, Love is automatically awakened in the other person.

    But our ego and inner opponent called by the code word “satan” tries to convince us that the other person will hurt us or shame us if we make ourselves vulnerable.
    Not true.
    It’s the opposite.
    We did not come to this world to fight to be right.
    We came to reveal Light.
    If we want to experience an “exodus” out of our personal Egypt (a code word for any chaos, pain or darkness in our life, especially addictions to fear, anger & reactivity), the precious blood of Yeshua, the word of our testimony and confessing our sins will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The book of Names (Shemot), which began two Shabbat’s ago will help us identify what our personal bondages are so that we can finally be free from them. Paul wrote, “work out your salvation everyday with fear and trembling”.

    One main requirement for being successful in this is to :
    Let go of our victimhood and realize that we alone are responsible for the messes we find ourselves in.
    We musn’t blame anyone else whether it be Trump, Obama, Putin our mother, father or pastor.
    When we realize that we are the sole cause of our own chaos we automatically empower ourselves to be able to apply the Divine Medicine that our Holy Creator has provided for us: The precious BLood of Yeshua and the word of our testimony and the insight to confess our shortcomings.
    Miracles happen when bondage are eradicated.

    By the way, though every Bible on earth refers to the book of Shemot as Exodus, that is a false and corrupt translation of the sacred scripture.
    The name of this book in Hebrew is “Shemot”.
    Shemot means Names, NOT exodus.
    It refers to the 72 Names of God which are hidden in this book.


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