Want to receive divine healing? Consider this…

Matthew 15:22–28, How to receive a healing from Yeshua. In this passage we see the same woman seeking Yeshua for a healing for her daughter. She used two different approaches.

In the first approach, (vv. 22–23)Yeshua completely ignored her, and her request wasn’t answered. In this first, wrong approach, the woman’s focus was on herself—“Have mercy on me.” This was a self-centered orientation.

When, however, she came to Yeshua first with an attitude of worship before making her request known (vv. 24–25), he answered her and healed the daughter.


1 thought on “Want to receive divine healing? Consider this…

  1. I can relate to this in a way-When I was taking care of my parents who both had Alzheimers I kept praying for God to help me, give me strength , patience (why? I already had two!) but then I realized it was the wrong prayer and I asked for Him to help them, keep them content etc and what an difference it made-Phil 4:6-7. When you come to Him you must believe who he is, that’s a part of worship for your “warship”

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