Shabbat Shalom Everyone…

I’m still here, though I’m still not posting much presently. Am reading all comments and answering when needed.

This is the busy time of the year in my tree service business. Working about 10 to 12 hours  per day. Pretty tired when I get home. Not as young and energetic as I used to be, but still going strong.

Since retiring from pastoring, I’ve been on a sort of sabbatical from ministry. Trying to move into YHVH’s more perfect will for my life as I transition into the next phase of my life as almost an empty-nester and preparing for being grandparents in, hopefully, the not too distant future.

For the past 27 years that I’ve been in non-stop ministry, I’ve been primarily feeding others spiritually. In the last 17 years, I’ve written about 80 teaching articles (on our website), written and published two complete Torah commentaries in 54 lessons, published more than 2000 posts on this blog not including comments, and made nearly 400 videos on our YouTube channel. This teacher is now stepping back a bit to get refreshed and taught from the Teacher from above, so I can be part of helping to move the body of Yeshua forward spiritually to the next level. This takes time and patience—waiting on YHVH as the psalmist puts it.

The Messianic Hebrew roots movement has kind of stalled out spiritually. This is of great concern to me. I want to be part of the next move to help prepare the way for Yeshua’s return. So I’m trying to step back and listen to heaven.

As my busy work schedule permits, I’m doing a lot of reading and studying in the Word. I’m confident that good things will come out of it. I’ll share a little here and there on this blog as I am able.

Love and blessings in Yeshua to everyone!



8 thoughts on “Shabbat Shalom Everyone…

  1. Blessings to you brother Natan…
    I’ve got some discussion with my friends from mainstream denomination about influence of the state over church and 501 c 3 status. DO you have any articles on the subject in your blog ?

    • No articles. It’s not an important enough issue, in my opinion, to write an article on. It’s not that big of a deal. I don’t believe in having the government’s approval to be a church, nor do I believe that the government should control anything having to do with a church. I’m firm on that! The gospel and work of Elohim is totally separate and above any government of man edict. Period. Having said that, in reality, the 501 C-3 has had little if any legal impact on churches except to scare a lot of whimpy pastors and preachers into not taking political stands and preaching the truth. Big shame on them! In reality, it is my understanding that since that law went into effect in 1953 the IRS has only prosecuted one church under that law. Can’t confirm that, but that’s what I’ve heard. Anyway, it’s a rare thing if they do. That’s why I don’t worry about it. It’s a paper tiger law. Bottom line: We don’t need man’s approval to do YHVH’s work, so don’t seek it. That’s why I’m against it.

  2. Thank you Natan for this wonderful blog and keeping us fed with Good sound teaching and making us think ! & above all to search the scriptures and seek Elohim diligently. For ourselves. I have enjoyed the fellowship of communicating with you guys in Oregon….even though I am way down under. Your writings have certainly spured me on and been of great guidance when I have been thirsty & of blessing to my spirit…so Natan take it easy and as you say resting back in Elohim for his guidance & next step for your lives as a family. All the very best. From CC.

  3. I have only recently started to study all your posts and compositions. FAITHFUL is the only word that comes to mind for you. Yah bless you even more!

  4. A messenger need not fear “going silent”. Think of the prophets of old.

    A messenger must fear not “watching and waiting”…..when he doesn’t “study to show himself approved”…..if he says, ““I won’t mention Him, or speak any more in His Name”…..or maybe worse yet, “speaking his own words”.

    When the time comes and YHVH’s messengers speak what they have heard, the RIGHTEOUS will listen.

    In the meantime, as the old saying goes, “mind your own business”.

    “Now concerning brotherly love, you have no need for anyone to write you—for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another. In fact, you even practice it toward all your brothers and sisters throughout Macedonia. But we urge you, brethren, to keep progressing more and more and ASPIRE TO LEAD A QUIET LIFE, TO MIND YOUR OWN AFFAIRS, AND TO WORK WITH YOUR HANDS, just as we directed you—so you may behave properly toward outsiders and not have need of anything.” [1Th 4:9-12]

    So, lead a quiet life, mind your own affairs, work with your hands, study to show yourself approved, watch, wait, and listen.

    It’s also good for the people of YHVH to learn to live by their own faith, by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of YHVH, and not to depend on prophets, priests, or kings. That time may not yet fully be, but it definitely is at least a time of testing and preparation when each true believer should wake up and be learning to get his/her own oil for their own lamps before the Bridegroom comes.


    “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And NO LONGER SHALL EACH ONE TEACH HIS NEIGHBOR AND EACH HIS BROTHER, SAYING KNOW THE LORD’, FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME, FROM THE LEAST OF THEM TO THE GREATEST, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” [Jer 31:33 -34]


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