Still Feeding the Sheep After All These Years…

One thing hasn’t changed much from my youth growing up on the family farm until now. Back then, my alarm clock would go off early each morning and I’d get up and read and study my Bible and then pray. Then I’d go downstairs (my room was in the attic of the old farm house) and I’d eat some hot cereal. After that, I’d put put on my rubber boots and  I’d go out and feed and water the sheep, goats, chickens, cows, turkeys, ducks and pigeons. Then I’d go off to school or to work around the farm pruning the fruit trees, doing other farm work, or working in my dad’s nursery.

The front of Natan's converted chicken house office. Notice the rooster yard art by the front door.

The front of Natan’s converted chicken house office. Notice the rooster yard art by the front door.

Now, I still get up early each morning, go out to my chicken house converted into an office, read and study my Bible, then pray. Then I feed YHVH’s spiritual sheep (via this blog, YouTube, answering emails and YouTube and blog questions and comments, writing articles and preparing teachings/sermons on Bible subjects). Then I go and eat my breakfast cereal, and it’s off too work I go pruning trees and tending people’s gardens.



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