Condoms to Sixth Graders? Shame on Gervais, Oregon!

I’m angry!

The story below is proof of the sickness of the public educational system in America, and in my own state of Oregon. Instead of teaching sixth grade students exclusively about sexual abstinence, some schools are now teaching them how to use condoms, and then handing those condoms out to those same students. Come on now! What student won’t interpret this as a carte blanche approval and encouragement to become sexually active?

What kind of mental retardation has overcome our public educators to believe that there is some sort of a moral virtue or positive benefit in distributing condoms to our children and encouraging their use? This is a symptom of liberalism or progressivism (or whatever elitist sounding name you want to call it), which is, instead, repressive and regressive, and it’s a mental disorder to boot!

When one loses one’s moral and spiritual compass, this it what happens. Degeneracy occurs. To the morally derelict and reprobate, good (i.e., teaching the virtue and benefits of sexual abstinence to our students) is evil, and evil (i.e., giving condoms to eleven-year-olds) is good. This is evidence of a society that’s in the process of a steep moral and spiritual decline — a fact that our political and educational leaders seem too stupid to understand. They have become fools because they have rejected the God of the Bibles and his laws of right living. They are now attempting to indoctrinate our children with their own godless values with the hopes that if enough people view their own private amoral cesspool as acceptable, somehow it will make it so.

The perversion of our youth at taxpayers’ expense with the lies of so-called “progressivism” is reprehensible. What’s progressive about men following their animalistic instincts that only lead one down into the dank and stench-filled cellar of man’s baser nature? This isn’t the elevation, but the debasement of man from being a noble creature made in the image of God (YHVH Elohim), and with the potential to become like Jesus (Yeshua), the Son Elohim, to being just another amoral animal that simply follows its instinctive jungle impulses.

What the US and the world need is a spiritual revival of the fear and love of Elohim. It starts with you and me!

By the way, the school district in Oregon where they plan to start handing out condoms to sixth graders is about 20 minutes from my house. I am ashamed for the town of Gervais and for the school leaders there who are acting more like primates instead of humans made in the image of God. Shame on all of them for corrupting our youth. May they repent of their wickedness, and if they don’t, may YHVH’s just judgments come upon them swiftly for the travesty they’re committing against our children. And a double shame upon every  spiritual leader in that community who isn’t standing up to these degenerates in the school district by shaking an accusing finger at them and demanding that they put the kibosh to this idiotic policy!

Now on to the story…

Oregon school district to offer condoms to students starting in 6th grade


PORTLAND Ore. (Reuters) – An Oregon school district plans to offer condoms to students starting in sixth grade as part of an updated sex education policy aimed at decreasing teen pregnancy, sparking debate over whether 11-year-olds are too young for such a program.

The plan by the rural Gervais School District comes after a 2013 survey by nursing students found that 7 percent of district high school girls had experienced pregnancy and 42 percent of students reported “never” or “sometimes” using protection.

“Over the past few decades, teen pregnancy in our community has remained somewhat constant, but higher than the board felt comfortable with,” Superintendent Rick Hensel said in a blog post dated Monday.    Click here to read the rest of this story:


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