Are You An Eloi or a Morlock?

I hope you find this article thought provoking.


By David Hodges
April 30, 2014 –

Are you an Eloi or a Morlock? Are you the hunter or the hunted? Are awake, or brainwashed? This article will identify the dichotomy that the citizens of this country exist under.

As Americans, we live in an unparalleled and an unprecedented time in American history. The historical American character has been one of resisting tyranny and meeting force with force. This is best exemplified by the fact that our Founding Fathers rebelled, in part, over a mere 2% tax on tea. Our Founding Fathers also rebelled against the Quartering Act, unreasonable search and seizure, violation of due process rights and the denial of the right to trial by a jury of one’s peers. Unfortunately, today, It feels like America simply accepts this kind of abusive treatment from their government as the cost of living in the system which we have had imposed upon us.

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