Your Advice Please…

I’m preparing to record some short teachings (15 to 30 minute-long) videos for Hoshana Rabbah’s YouTube channel. Although I have done both television and radio in the past, this is a new venue for us.

This is my question for you… and please take a little time to reflect on the question, and then get back to me with an answer. What are some biblical topics that most need to be covered and put on YouTube — especially subjects relating to the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith? What are some of the most pressing questions in your mind? What do you think a new believer, or someone who is new to their Hebraic roots would be most interested in learning about?

I’d be most grateful for your input. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration and response.

Natan Lawrence


15 thoughts on “Your Advice Please…

  1. I so appreciate your teachings. They are solid Scripturally and filled with the love and wisdom of Yeshua. Video will be a great addition!

    It was only 2 years ago that I embraced Torah, and now more and more people are seeking, knocking, and plunging into the waters of life! However, all too many are leaving faith in Yeshua and going into rabbinic Judaism…(The couple who baptized me into the name of Yeshua later got caught up in Judaism and ended up denying His deity and Messiahship. Then a few months later, they threw out the Scriptures and abandoned all faith.)

    So…the main issue that I feel the newbies are facing concerns the identity of Yeshua:
    You get the drift!

    Secondly, CAN YOU HELP US WHO ARE STANDING ALONE and continually challenged and vexed by our families and friends? For all the Biblical exhortations about gathering together on Sabbath and the mo’edim, many, many of us are coming into faith over the internet and have absolutely nowhere to fellowship within a hundred mile radius…If there is a fellowship, more often than not it is “off” doctrinally, or governed by Nicolaitan hierarchies and other Babylonian practices that belie their profession of Torah-keeping.

    Should we feel guilty and condemned for not having a fellowship place? Do we just up and leave our families and go seek a Torah community somewhere? I have two women friends (Torah keepers) married to avowed atheists. They spend so much energy just trying to survive the conflicts that I wonder if it might not be better for them to leave and find a good community…

    If we do push on alone, how do we begin honoring Sabbath? The mo’edim? Is there any value in praying the Siddur? What is true worship, (as opposed to mere musical extravaganzas of an experiential nature that once hooked us into the church’s “charismatic movement”?)

    OK, I could go on, but let me just throw out one last suggestion: MODESTY. Many have walked in the Torah for years now. They are learning Hebrew, studying Scripture, Honoring Sabbath, mo’edim, the Memorial Name of YHWH, etc., and wear tzitziot on their belt loops. But so few are prepared to lay aside their plunging necklines, slathered-on makeup, fish-lure earrings and body-shaping outfits (both male and female).

    Sure, newbies need some time to line up with Torah in many ways; but I’m talking here about teachers of Torah and celebrated Messianic worship leaders! You’ve got to admit, tzitziot look mighty suspect when they’re hanging from the belt loops of skin-tight denims or leggings!

    Where is the respect due to the KING???? Where is the consideration of one another, that we do not defraud and present temptations to one another??? I beg for the leaders to see this issue as a Biblical one, and who dare to address it boldly, no matter what the cost…

    Thanks for praying about these suggestions, and may your outreach on Youtube be greatly blessed!

    In the bond of Messiah,

    • Shalom Shirah,

      You bring up so many good points and questions. Please forgive me for being able to give only brief answers.

      Here are answers to your questions in the order you asked:

      A) In our ministry, we work very hard to keep people in a deep, loving and obedient relationship with Yeshua the Messiah, the Living Torah-Word of Elohim. This is because of the tendencies of many people to go to the opposite extreme and reject everything good in Christianity including the nature and ministry of Yeshua in favor of rabbinic Judaism. It is tragic when this happens! I fear for those people’s spiritual condition with regard to eternity!

      B) Yeshua and the Greek Jesus are one in the same. The latter one is the same Person, but, sadly, he has been dressed in Greco-Roman garb. He has, in a sense, been caricaturized. But despite all this, the power of the Person still comes through the Western costumes. The gospel message, despite it’s being watered down, still has the power to transform lives by delivering people from the power of sin, washing away their sins, healing the sick, overcoming demonic powers, and doing much good in the world. We must never forget this! However,now is the time for the bride of Yeshua to rise up, put on her Hebraic dress and get ready for Yeshua her Jewish Bridegroom who’s coming back soon.

      C) The Torah is the terms of the marriage covenant that YHVH made with the ancient Israelites at Mt. Sinai when he married them. Yeshua is making a new covenant with redeemed Israelites now. It’s a marriage covenant just like the first covenant at Sinai. It still involves his people loving him. Yeshua said to his disciples that if we love him we must keep his [Torah] commandments (John 14:15). The Torah defines how we are to love Elohim/Yeshua, and it defines how we’re to love our fellow man (see Mark 12:28–31). It’s really that simple. It’s all about love!

      D) Let’s not get too hung up on the trinity. Make no mistake about it, Yeshua is divine (Please see my teaching on this at The Bible is clear, Elohim is a plural word and it speaks of the Godhead. In that Godhead there is the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. This is what the Bible says. Beyond that, I don’t attach any manmade labels (e.g., trinity) to this truth. I believe it with a childlike faith and leave it at that. Our minds can’t comprehend that which is beyond our capacity to comprehend. The moment we try to quantify the Godhead, we are now guilty of making a god in our own image, which is idolatry. I believe that the doctrine of the trinity limits the nature and scope of the Godhead and tries to explain the unexplainable in humanistic terms. I don’t want to go there. I fear Elohim too much!

      E) You may feel like you’re standing alone, but you really aren’t. I’m not trying to make light of your situation, because I know spiritual loneliness is a difficult thing. But really you’re not alone. Yeshua is there with you all the time. You also have his wonderful word. You have his Holy Spirit. And, you can keep in touch with other people through the powerful and marvelous medium of digital and tele-communications. Think of it. The body of Yeshua is loving you through this blog at this very moment! Let’s rejoice right now and give YHVH-Yeshua all the glory in thankful gratitude!

      F) Modesty, that’s a tough one. Each family and spiritual community has figure out that one on its own. The Bible only gives general guidelines. I have four teenagers including two daughters. My wife is constantly trying to buy modest clothing that’s affordable for them. Try buying modest pants and dresses these days for your teen daughters! It’s a real bear. They’ll spend hours shopping at the mall just to find one or two things that are modest—and those things barely fit the bill.

      The fact is, we live in exile in spiritual Babylon. We do the best we can. May we all have mercy and grace for each other. I will say this, though, there is no excuse for the showing of cleavage, low-cut dresses or really short skirts and shorts that are too short, or make-up that makes a woman look like a whore! We must be modest (I didn’t say prudish) in all that we do—not just in dress.

      I hope these responses helped in some small measure.

      May YHVH bless you!

  2. I am only 1 years into this Hebrew roots. I am very interested in whom actually was Yeshua and the Apostles teaching and reaching out for. These “Sheep”. Where an are they Hebrew Israelite or Judeans [Called Jews] Between one House-Two House-Nazarene-Hebrew Israelite teachings I have settle on the last. It has been a rather confusing year, with the help of the Ruach, combing thought these seeming confusion of the “Hebrew Roots”! I personally believe Christianity has its roots in Rome, Not the Hebrews. Some teaching on My conclusions might be of help to Myself and others whom maybe in this fog of Torah teachings and Hebrew History. Thank You. Shalom

    • Shalom Barry,

      Welcome aboard! Keep pressing forward. The spiritual fog will give way to more and more clear sky vision and sunlight through Yeshua, the Light of the world, and his Spirit who leads us into all the light of YHVH’s truth. Keep asking, seeking, and knocking!

      If you do a thorough study in the Bible on the term, “lost sheep of the house of Israel,” you will find it can refer to both the houses of Israel—the Jews of Judah and the ten tribes of the northern kingdom as well. “House of Israel” can refer to the northern kingdom as well as to all of the twelve tribes. The context of the scripture in which this term is found determines the exact meaning of the term.

      This fact is born out by Yeshua’s ministry. The fact is that he and his disciples primarily ministered to the Jews who he considered to be part of the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Later, he sent his disciples to all the other tribes as well (Jerusalem, Judea, and then to Samaria and the rest of the word—the last two comprised the rest of the tribes besides Judah; see Acts 1:8).

      With regard to the roots of Christianity, the fact is that Christianity precedes Rome’s dominion by two or three hundred years. So we can’t blame all of church’s apostasy from its Hebraic, Torah roots on Rome. Rome just institutionalized and legalized the already existing apostasy in the fourth century under Constantine.

      Let’s never forget that not everything is bad about Christianity. There’s more good in it by far than bad. Those caught up in the church system just need to come away from the non-biblical traditions within the church—or as John puts it speaking on behalf of Elohim, “Come out of her [i.e., spiritual Babylon] my people…” (Rev 18:4).

  3. Shirah hit so many of my thoughts, especially on how to explain to family our decisions and about gathering with others to worship. We just left (in fact, after service this morning), a “Christian” fellowship we have been with for a few years, but we live in a very rural area where I believe we would only be trading one heresy for another is we went to a local establishment. Another big question for me is what does all this mean for us “gentiles” who come to faith in Yeshua? Are we now considered “Jewish” (or would a better term be “YHWH’s people?). And, how do we truly celebrate YHWH’s feasts scripturally/biblically, without the traditions of orthodox Judaism?

    Thank you. Shalom!

  4. Shalom Miranda,

    Sorry, but you’ve been lied to by the church. Someone isn’t reading their Bible very carefully. If you’re under the blood of Yeshua, then you’re no longer a Gentile. You used to be, but now your part of the nation of Israel, which makes you a redeemed Israelite. The Bible calls you “the one new man.” Go read all this for yourself in Eph 2:11–19. It’s all there.

    As additional proof of the fact that you’re no longer a Gentile, remember the gates in the New Jerusalem? How many are there? Twelve, that’s right. What are the names on the those gates? That’s right, the twelve tribes of Israel. Go read it for yourself in Rev 21:12. Guess what? There’s no Gentile gate, which means that Gentiles don’t get in there.

    Furthermore, if you’re in Yeshua, you’re a child of Abraham, even a descendant of Abraham. Go read it in Gal 3:29. Oh, there are so many more scriptures I could give on this, but hopefully you get the point.

    Be blessed as you embrace your new spiritual identity in Yeshua as a redeemed Israelite!

    For more on this, please read my short teaching on the subject at

  5. I was born again in 1973, my sister led me and many others to the Lord and was even a leader in the Womens Aglow Fellowship in our area. Three years ago we both came into the Hebrew Roots Movement. Sad to say she now attends a Jewish Synagogue and doesnt believe in Jesus anymore. We were so close and now we dont even talk about Jesus. I am in ministry and have been since 1984 but my best friends and fellow founders in this ministry think I have backslid and gone “under the law”, I am moving forward and I just wanted to say thank you for this website. It really means so much to me. Shalom. Pat A.

  6. Shalom Patti,

    Thank you for you kind and encouraging feedback. May our Father in heaven continue to guide and bless you in your spiritual journey.

    As you go along the path of truth and righteousness, it will get narrower. Many will betray you, but know this: The Word of Elohim is true and sure, and Yeshua will always be there.


  7. I think it it vital for Christians to have a solid understanding of HOW Y’shua’s death brings redemption. Without understanding the covenant made then they can’t understand what His death means. I may not be saying this very eloquently.

  8. Shalom Natan.
    I’m glad to come across your blog.
    I was wondering if you had any detailed information on Gan Eden (Ganan). It’s my understanding that in the Hebraic roots of Yahweh’s Word, Gan Eden was more or less a structure of some sort that was a foreshadow of the Mishkan in Yerushalayim. And that the Adam served as a type of cohen in this structure. Do you have any information that might give more detail on this possible structure of Gan Eden and Adam’s priestly role before the Fall? Thank you and shalom!

    • It seems to me that very little has been written on this subject. I have come across a few of these concepts over the years, but my understanding is limited on it.

      Can you summarize in a long paragraph the gist of this idea?

      • Sure thing.
        What I heard in a d’rash last year was that the Hebrew word Gan comes from the root word “ganan”, meaning (an enclosure), (a protective wall), or (a defensive surrounding). Hence, Gan Eden was some sort of an enclosure or defensive wall made by HaShem eastward of the region of Eden.

        When Genesis says that HaShem planted the Gan Eden and that later He placed a k’ruvim at the east entrance – this is temple language foreshadowing the Temple later in Israel and then at the end of time – it would reference HaShem as THE Temple in the New Yerushalayim in the Scroll of Revelation. (Rev. 21:22)

        “… and God placed the man in the midst of the garden” is temple language for the Holy of Holies.

        “… After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life”, is also temple language for the east entrance into the Temple in Yerushalayim.

        In this same d’rash, we were told that Jewish tradition believes that before the Flood of Noach’s time, the Gan Eden was situated exactly on the same spot where Yerushalayim sits today.

        When Genesis says that the Adam tilled the garden, we were told that the Hebrew word for till (aved) is the same word for (serve). Therefore, it’s implicit that the Adam served as a type of cohen, even as he physically tilled the Gan Eden. “… the Adam aved before Adonai” is the same as “… the cohanim aved before the shekinah glory in the mishkan”.

        In Genesis 3:9, when it says that they heard the sound of Adonai in the Gan Eden in the cool of the day, again, we were told that this was a sort of temple language foreshadowing the morning sacrifices and/or the evening sacrifices. Once again, it’s implied that when the Adam and his wife were tempted, it might have occurred right before the sacrifices when Adonai came to the Gan Eden to meet with the Adam and his wife.

        In Genesis 3:21, when it says that Adonai clothed them with animal skins, it’s implicit that this animal skin came from such a sacrifice.

        In Genesis 4: 1-8, the offerings of Cain and Abel also harken to a foreshadow of the sacrificial system in the Torah before it was officially legislated on Mount Sinai.

      • This is good! I’ve heard parts and pieces of this teaching over the years, and have even taught parts of it myself, but this is the first good synopsis to come my way. Thank you for sharing.

        I see a lot of validity to what you’re saying. Assuredly, there is a connection between the Garden of Eden and the New Jerusalem. Both are gardens with the latter being a city garden (not unlike Babylon’s counterfeit Hanging Gardens of Babylon of the ancient world) full of redeemed Israelites, as opposed to merely the two people of the original garden. These Redeemed Israelites are descendants of Adam and Eve through our father Abraham (Gal 3:29) by way of Yeshua, the Second Adam.

        Thanks for pointing out that the word till in Gen 2:5 is abad, is the generic Hebrew word meaning “to serve or to work.” As you correctly note, the work of the priests was described as such, and a cognate of avad is the noun avodah meaning “service” and can also refer to the “worship service of the Levites” (i.e., worship is an act of service, as opposed to just throwing one’s emotions at Elohim as is often the case in the church world; e.g. Num 4:19; 2 Chron 8:14).

        What you say is excellent, and shows that YHVH’s patterns of redemption for sinners including the need for a Redeemer originates from the very beginning of man’s tenure on this earth.

        One more thing, it’s interesting to note that in the old city of Jerusalem to this day, the only gate that is permanently sealed and not currently in use is the Eastern Gate. When Yeshua returns, he’ll enter the city by way of that gate, thus ushering in his kingdom on earth culminating in the New Jerusalem.

        Where can I read more on this subject?

  9. Shalom brother!
    I didn’t want to leave you hanging on here.
    I will certainly get that info for you. There are so many different sources that I drew from.
    I thank you for the commentary on the Garden of Eden and the New Jerusalem. It is very insightful. Shalom!

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