Blog Scripture Readings for 4/15–4/21/12 Midrash

For the second week of seven weeks of the 50-day count of the omer.

Leviticus 18–24Jeremiah 1–14; and Psalms 17–23

Most of this week’s blog discussion points will be on these passages. The full year’s Bible Reading Schedule can be found on the right sidebar under “Helpful Links.”

If you have general comments or questions on the weekly Scripture readings not addressed in a blog post, here’s a place for you to post those. Just use the “leave a reply” link below.


3 thoughts on “Blog Scripture Readings for 4/15–4/21/12 Midrash

  1. I should elaborate on the Atonement/baptism connection:

    Yeshua’s own Father was the One who sent His Son into the wilderness in the ultimate fulfillment of the Atonement scenario, by His spirit:

    Mark 1:12 Immediately the spirit banished Him into the wilderness.

    This is the actual enactment of the Azazel goat—Yeshua the Lamb of Aloha (God), being banished into the wilderness on the very Day of Atonements!

    The live goat represents our living resurrected Life Giver. Exodus 12:5 indicates that a “lamb” can be either a sheep or a goat.

    Yeshua, that Azazel goat, carried the sins of Israel into the desert!

    John 1:29 The next day John saw Yeshua coming towards him and said, “Look, the Lamb of Aloha who takes away the sins of the world!

    Matthew 3:13-16 Then Yeshua came from Galilee, to the Jordan, in order to be immersed by John. 14 But John, trying to deter Him said, “I need to be immersed by You, so why have You come to me?” 15 Then Yeshua told him, “Consent to this now because it is necessary to fulfill every righteous condition”. So He consented. 16 After Yeshua was immersed, He immediately came up from the water. The heavens were opened to Him and He saw YHVH’s (Yehovah’s) spirit descending like a dove, and it landed on Him.

    Matthew 4:1 and Luke 4:1 both mention that Yeshua was “led” into the wilderness. describes the word led, used by Matthew and Luke, as being primarily in reference to an animal:

    “to lead by laying hold of, and this way to bring to the point of destination: of an animal”

    However, the “live goat” was not to publicly return to the scene for another two thousand years.

    • Natan, One day I read about Yeshua in the wilderness and it hit me that there may be a way to connect Yeshua to Azazel (once I learned about Azazel not being Satan). After that it was just a matter of looking. Perhaps I should trace my genealogy, but I’m not sure I want to be related to someone who rejected the Sabbath.

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