What Is it to “Abide in Yeshua”?

John 15:1–10, Abide in me.
The term abide is found nine times in this passage. Seven of the those nine times are in reference to abiding in Yeshua or his Father. Seven is the biblical number of completion or perfection. When we abide in Yeshua and his Father, then we’re made perfect or complete in all areas of our life: spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Let’s explore what it means to abide in Yeshua so that we produce good spiritual fruit for our Master and Savior.

  • We are made clean/katharos [to be made pure, blameless, innocent; free of corrupt desire, sin, guilt and from that which is false] through the Word of Elohim (John 15:3, 7).
  • We must continue/abide in the love of Yeshua by keeping his/the Father’s commandments (John 15:10).
  • We must love one another (John 15:12–17).

We must practice the key elements Yeshua taught in the Sermon on the Mount.

  • We must do the beattitudes (Matt 5:3–12)
  • We must love the Torah (Matt 5:17–19)
  • We must love our enemies (Matt 5:21–26, 38–42).
  • We must keep our word (Matt 5:33–37).
  • We must be a charitable giver (Matt 6:1–4).
  • We must pray without ceasing (Matt 6:5–15; 1 Thess 5:17).
  • We must fast regularly (Matt 6:16–18).
  • We must flee materialism and greediness (Matt 6:19–21).
  • We must set our life’s priorities spiritually straight — seek first the kingdom of Elohim in all that you do (Matt 6:24–34).
  • We must seek Elohim’s help/trust in him in every way in all that you do, say and think (Matt 7:7–11).
  • We must live by the golden rule (Matt 7:12).

What are the results of abiding in Yeshua?

  • Being made clean, pure, free of sin, corruption, defilement and guilt (John 15:3).
  • Bearing much fruit (John 15:5). What fruit? The fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22–25).
  • Avoiding the (lake of) fire (John 15:6).
  • We can ask whatever we want of the Father and he will give it to us (John 15:7, 16).
  • Glory comes to the Father as a result of our bearing much fruit (John 15:8).
  • We are filled with joy (John 15:11).
  • We become the friends of Yeshua (John 15:14).

2 thoughts on “What Is it to “Abide in Yeshua”?

  1. One more abide:

    1 John 2:28 Now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming.

  2. Thanks for reminding us of this passage in 1 John 2:28. Clearly, John is showing us what the ultimate benefit of abiding in Yeshua will be; namely, at his appearing we will be able to stand confidently as one of his (v. 28). This is a distinction that will be reserved for those John refers to as “the children of Elohim” in 3:1.

    Come to think of it, how many times in the church world do you hear the saints referred to as “children of Elohim”? This is a revelation we need to get firmly entrenched in our hearts and minds, for if we are abiding in Yeshua, then we are one with him and we are becoming transformed into children of Elohim.

    The early church called this process “theosis,” which is the process of becoming little children of God, or little gods (or mighty ones) or members of the God family, if you will. This biblical truth is no longer taught in most western churches, but in some ancient eastern orthodox churches, it is still taught.

    Please note, I didn’t say that the saints will become equal to Elohim or exactly like him. No glorified human can ever attain to that level ever!

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