Appointed Times (Moedim)
7th Day Shabbat
, Erev Shabbat
Feast Days and Annual Sabbaths, Traditional Celebrations (Chanukah, Purim, etc.)
Abiv, Rosh Chodesh, Moedim, and Weekly Torah Readings (Parshiot)
Eating Biblical Foods
Biblical Eating Explained and Terms Defined
Examination of Scriptures Used to Question Biblical Eating Standards
Favorite Cookbooks & Some Helpful Recipes
Halakha (guidelines) for Community Meals at Hoshana Rabbah Meetings
Recommended Reading
Bat/Bar Mitzvah Studies Youth Discipleship Training Course
(this is a rough draft, but we've uploaded it so you can use it while we're finishing it up. A printable pdf version is also in the works)
Yeshiva (coming soon)