Stand Up Against Sexual Immorality!

Phinehas…took a javelin. Phinehas, the priest, rose up against evil—in this case, sexual immorality—and took a stand for righteousness, and YHVH commended him for it. Who are the Phinehases of today?

In standing against sin, Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron the high priest, was not acting as a self-appointed vigilante as it may appear. Rather, YHVH had given the priests, of which Phinehas was one, the authority to act as judges in Israel and to pronounce sentence in criminal matters (Deut 17:9–11). Additionally, Phinehas was doubly justified in his action against the fornicators, since he was an eyewitness of these sexual crimes, and the Torah teaches that the hand of the eyewitness was to be the first to rise up in executing judgment against the criminals (Deut 17:6; Ezek 44:24). So as an eyewitness and as a priest, he was legally justified in his actions. The priests and Levites were to act as Israel’s legal experts (Lev 10:10–11; Deut 24:8; 33:10; 2 Chron 17:9; 30:22; Neh 8:2, 8; Hag 2:11; Ezek 44:23; Mal 2:7) and to make determinations between the holy and the profane (Ezek 22:26; 44:23).

Who are YHVH’s priest on the earth today? According to Peter, and John the saints are those priests (1 Pet 2:7; Rev 1:6; 5:10; 20:6). As such, the saints presently possess the divinely mandated legal authority to fulfill the responsibilities of the priesthood of old when it comes to teaching the laws of Elohim to the nations in which they live (Lev 10:10–11). Moreover, Yeshua, our Great High Priest, has tasked his disciples with the responsibility and authority to judge righteously (i.e. to make judgments according to YHVH’s standards of righteousness, John 7:24), and to be spiritual fruit inspectors (Matt 7:15–20). Today, this responsibility is primarily exercised within the congregation of the righteous (1 Cor 5:12; 6:1–6). However, besides this, the righteous saints are to act as spiritual salt in this world and to be like a spiritual light on a hill for the world to see (Matt 5:13–16). This means that they are to preach the gospel to the world, to make disciples and to teach those around them all that Yeshua has commanded them (Matt 28:18–20; Mark 16:15–16). This means that the saints have heaven’s authority and commission to act as the spiritual and moral compass and conscience for the nations in which they live. This means that they will be standing against evil wherever and however they can as directed by the Spirit of Elohim, even as Phinehas did.

It is time that the righteous servants of YHVH Elohim begin to stand up in a more vocal and demonstrative way against the evil that is being foisted upon our society by those who are bent upon destroying the family, morality, and any vestiges of biblical standards of righteousness that may still exist around us. In Psalm 94:16, YHVH asks the question of his servants, “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” With this in mind, the question we need to ask ourselves is this: If not me, who; if not now, when? If you have something worth living for, then do you have something worth giving your life for? If those who are caught up in demonically inspired religious systems are willing to die for their faith calling it “a holy war” and “martyrdom for their [demon] god,” can the saints of YHVH at least not take a verbal stand against the tide of evil that is sweeping our society?

The Bible is full of examples of YHVH’s servants standing against unrighteousness in their day and their receiving YHVH’s blessing for it. Several examples include the Hebrew midwives disobeying the edict of Pharaoh to commit infanticide (Exod 1:15–22), Phinehas executing judgment against the fornicators (Num 25:7–8), the three Hebrew children refusing to worship the golden image (Dan 3:8–18), Daniel violating the king’s edicts by praying to YHVH (Dan 6:10–12), John the Baptist criticizing Herod for his adultery (Mark 6:18), Yeshua turning over the money changers’ tables in the temple (Matt 21:12), and Peter and John for disobeying the Jewish leaders’ command to not preach the gospel (Acts 4:18–20). Many more examples could be given. Remember all the biblical prophets?

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Cor 6:9–11, emphasis added)


9 thoughts on “Stand Up Against Sexual Immorality!

  1. People tend to forget Baal Peor is the god of openings…. the destroyer of people through the worship of holes/openings.
    One of the primary ways to profane those who believe in Yeshua for salvation & what has been done for us through God’s mercy in making us a new creation is turning against the ACTS 15 requirements so that we can’t do well.

    People also tend to forget or not know that sodomy is anal intercourse and is not restricted to men as a sin but women are included in that too.

    The mockery of the missionary position has led to acceptance of other unacceptable to God behaviour in the bedroom of married couples who believe in Christ but are ignorant through lack of the priests telling them the difference between Holy and profane.

    My people die through lack of knowledge ( of truth ) We know a lot of unimportant things and a lot of deviant things but do we have knowledge of truth?

    • Thanks for pointing out the deeper meaning of Baal Peor. I had never made this connection before. Baal is simply the demon god that involves self worship in that it allows and promotes one to follow one’s lower or baser or depraved nature, and then legitimizes such behavior by turning it into a religion. It’s the religion of self-will, which is the religion of Satan—rebellion against the word or laws of Elohim.

      • Shalom Natan

        I didn’t know about it myself & can’t claim any personal insight given to me in this by the Spirit directly whilst seeking. : )
        Oh how real it is though.

        A Canadian chap Joseph Dummond of Sighted Moon had a teaching on it. He is a stickler for biblical words chasing them back in the Hebrew and historical research.
        He cares very deeply for people to know about the hidden things in the bible so we are prepared and dressed in white and not die through lack of knowledge & application.

        I find that in the “HR” walk there are plateaus we all come to in our understanding and application and some keep moving after a short rest in the understanding they have received before striking off again on the way to get to the finish….having followed with all our strength….

        Whilst others are satisfied with their obedience ( love response ) after a few short sharp bursts and then acclimatise to a certain height and stay there in a spring meadow.
        Others keep going to the summit and make a trail over difficult terrain and leave markers and other helps for those that God is leading. Those out in front following more closely Yeshua, often are thought to be extremely odd or wrong initially….no doubt you have had your share of that.

        I think it may be how I see to follow the Lamb where ever He goes using the Word as a marker of where Our Messiah has been before.
        It is such a balance with Spirit and Truth & it is not the pursuit of knowledge alone but applying it for Transformation and becoming like the One who leads us, prepared in the ruling and reigning school of being humble & accepting all the instruction is to BE ruled and reigned here first..

        Shavua Tov Natan
        Blessings to you and Sandi
        FJ .

  2. One thing I can tell is that the fornicators in the case of Phinehas were members of the people of Israel and were under the Covenant, so that gave Phinehas the right to execute the procedures according to the Covenant. That’s a difference today when we have to be between the evil and good, the pure and impure, the clean and the unclean. We draw the line to separate them but we cannot execute penalties to those that are not under the Covenant. Well, that’s what I think. But I couldn’t be more in agreement with you, we are NOT doing what we are suppose to be doing. Being the salt and the light of the earth, if not us, who? Nobody else has the salt and the light, we might end being scolded for our negligence.

  3. A few month ago, a famous Australian League player with the name of Israel Folau ( who originates from one of the South Pacific Islands) posted on the net the above Scripture verse 1 Cor 6:9-10 or Revelation 21 8.
    Over this, he lost his 4 million dollar contract with Rugby Australia which marks the end of his carrier all-together, because the LGB community got upset about this ‘hate speech’.
    The drunks and the thieves didn’t complain, just the sexual immoral ones.

    • Shalom Sonja

      that is what happens when the CEO of the Airline who sponsors the Team allows himself as a homosexual to use what used to be the Australian Government Tax Payer funded Airline as a personal agenda vehicle to ligitimise his personal right to silence those who disagree with you verbally without hatred but with desire for your ultimate benefit.
      The CEO used a horrible tactic on ‘his own’ staff having thousands of wrist bands produced pro gay marriage that staff were ‘not forced’ to wear but were encouraged to give out to paying passengers.
      Made it absolutely obvious who didn’t support & that is not good tactics for staff morale……New World Order Freedom????

      Blessings to you FJ

  4. Thanks FJ for the back ground info; I didn’t know. It seems these people put themselves in high positions and from there are able to manipulate ordinary people.
    Do you also live in Australia?
    Shalom, Sonja

  5. Shalom Sonja
    I do, On the East Side on what we call the Great Divide Mtns in a small rural town but really they are only hills compared to most places in the world with Mtns.

    My husband is the one who knows all the football players but this situation really pricked up my ears to find out what went on. He actually put the Corinthians passage 0n his social media page that also speaks of drunkards but the hate response came from the homosexual community.

    He had played with homosexuals in his career and has suffered for just being open about his faith committment to be silent and also not be nasty. He is not a derogatory fellow and is actually a part time minister in the congregation his father ministered in.

    No one else felt any conviction of sin at all by the post. : ( and joked about it in the forums ) but our homosexual friends are pushing back hard to anything that may not agree with their lifestyle whether in physical or spiritual health it seems sadly.

    The hand that held back wickedness has been removed and the agenda is now being run by the enemy …. actually has been for awhile but we know WHOM is allowing this to happen and the final outcome is victory completely.
    Take care. Praise our King. FJ

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