Dear Natan: What should be our attitude toward the church?

Someone on this blog just asked the following question:

Has the church developed another religion?

Natan’s reponse:

Yes and no. To me, it’s over simplistic and unbiblical when people categorically say either yes or no. In so doing, it usually supports their biases and arrogant thinking.

To be sure, the mainstream church is spiritual Babylon. Babylon means “confusion or mixture.” It’s a mixture of truth and error, good and evil, precious or holy and profane or polluted. Since post-apostolic times, the church to one degree has been feeding from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Yet the people caught up in it are still YHVH’s (Yehovah’s) people. He says so in Revelation 18:4, when he urges, if not commands, his people to come out of spiritual Babylon. He calls them “my people.” So to parse this thing a bit further, the corporate, harlot church system is corrupt to one degree or another. Both good and evil have come from it, and YHVH’s people have been caught up on it unawares, and now he is urging them to come out of it.

Coming out is a process. None of us is out completely. Do we really even understand what it means to come “out”? For example, the Israelites came out of Egypt in a day, but it took 40 years to get Egypt out of them and for YHVH to get them ready for the Promised Land. Similarly, we can can come out of the world, and even out the the harlot, corporate, mainstream, Christo-pagan (or whatever other term you choose) Babylonian church system, but it will doubtless take a while to get all of its leavening out of us. We’re all still a work in progress, and there for his grace go each of us.

We should never look disparagingly upon the people caught up in the church system. We were there once too, but YHVH called us out of it. Now he’s cleansing us and preparing us to be the bride of Yeshua. We should only be thankful that he has called us and is long-suffering toward us. There is no room here for pride on our part, or for looking down on those who haven’t been called out yet. Only thankfulness, gratitude and humility!

Thus says YHVH: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, that I am YHVH, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says YHVH. (Jer 9:23–24)

 For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist,” says YHVH. “But on this one will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word. (Isa 66:2)


5 thoughts on “Dear Natan: What should be our attitude toward the church?

  1. What a clear concrete picture of Israel coming out of Egypt. 1 day to come out but 40 years to get Egypt out of us. Hubby smiled and said, “That will preach!” Would that it would not take so long! But I think it can take a lifetime for us to see things correctly, and even then, our vision is still dimly operating, but having the truth taught correctly is such a blessing. Thanks for answering that question.

  2. This is great! If we are not to boast against the natural branches, who are we to boast in anything?! And yes how grateful should we be that our Great One has called us out and that we heard Him! We are a work in progress (He who began a good work in you will complete it) I believe it will take our lifetime-and in the meantime we can reach and be sympathetic towards others as long as we point them to Him and not to us! We won’t know who we are till we know we are His!

  3. How can we help people come to the Truth unless we befriend them and communicate with them.
    My two best friends are not Messianics but we talk about our different believes and they are happy to do Bible study with us when on occasion they are here on Shabbat.
    I am also still in touch (e-mail) with a few people from our last church (UCG). I still love them just the same and nobody has made me feel bad about moving on.
    As a matter of fact, our children show no interest in spirituality but how could I not love them; prayer and an occasional talk about our faith has to suffice for the moment.
    Scripture tells us to pray for others, even our enemies.
    I believe that if we talk to others about our faith in love, they are usually not offended and will listen, but if we talk pridefully as if we are superior to them, that doesn’t go down well.

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