Legitimate Vs. Illegitimate Ministry

Christian Ministry

Numbers 17:1–13, Aaron’s rod. Aaron’s rod that budded is a picture of what? Who was the rod or Branch from the stem of Jesse that budded forth with spiritual life for all those who will place their faith in him? Spiritual life for you and me came from what dead tree? Can we not see that Yeshua and the message of the gospel is at the center of everything in the Bible from the beginning to the end? Can there be any doubt that Yeshua is the Messiah? Only he fulfilled all the prophetic types and shadows that we find in the Tanakh (Old Testament).

Aaron’s ministry was anointed of YHVH. The rod represented his authority and its budding represented the fruitfulness of his ministry. It symbolically pointed to the ministry of Yeshua. If we are disciples and imitators of Yeshua, aren’t we to be doing what Yeshua did, that is, bearing good spiritual fruit as he did? 

Is your ministry anointed of YHVH? What are the spiritual fruits being born from it? Are people’s lives being changed for the good because of your spiritual example? Or, on the other hand, are you living in delusion due to the fact that your ministry, to one degree or another, is focused on yourself in that you think that you are called and anointed of YHVH, when in reality you have arrogantly appointed and promoted yourself like the rebels who challenged Aaron? 

If we are to be pleasing to YHVH, we must periodically ask ourselves these hard questions and stay accountable before YHVH to ensure that we’re still walking on his straight and narrow path of righteousness.

To ensure that we don’t get side-tracked and start going down the path of self-adulation and aggrandizement, consider the following.

Numbers 17:13, Whoever comes near the tabernacle of YHVH must die.YHVH doesn’t allow sinful and rebellious man to come near his Presence. After the Israelites had rebelled against YHVH multiple times, the fear of YHVH,which they were lacking, had to be re-established. Here YHVH is teaching the Israelites these important lessons by establishing boundaries around the tabernacle.

When men have a proper fear and respect for YHVH Elohim and his human structures of authority, they are less likely to step out of line and sin against Elohim and against their fellow man. There must be a separation between YHVH’s Presence and man. That separation must be maintained and enforced to keep men in line spiritually and knowing their place before the Almighty.

On the fear of YHVH Elohim, review the following scriptures: Deuteronomy 10:12; Psalms 2:11; 33:8; 34:7; 96:4,9; 111;10; 2 Corinthians 5:11; 7:1; Hebrews 12:28.

On the transcendence of YHVH Elohim, review the following scriptures: 1 Chronicles 29:11–12; Psalms 89:6; 96:4–5; 97:9; 135:5; Isaiah 40:12–28; Ephesians 1:21; 4:6.

The bottom line here is this: Keep your eyes on Yeshua and the cross, not on yourself, and what’s in it for you, and stay in the fear of Elohim, and you and your ministry will be anointed and bear good fruit for the kingdom of Elohim.


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