Prayer Points by Dr. Darlene

The eyes of YHVH are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. (Psalm 34:15)

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16)

If you have suggestions for additions to this prayer list, please post them in the comments section. Thank you for praying!

  1. Pray for you children (and grandchildren) that YHVH will give us the wisdom and knowledge to raise them in the fear, love, faith and understanding of YHVH Elohim and Yeshua the Messiah, so that they will remain faithful and pass on his truth to the next generation. Pray that our prodigal children who have walked away from YHVH will come back to him and fall in love  with Yeshua and his word and embrace and follow the light of his truth.
  2. Pray for the people in the MidWest (of the U.S.) who are suffering from flooding from the storm.
  3. Because I was traveling (by air), I was particularly aware of the crash that killed so many people. Many loved ones were left behind and they need prayer for strength to go on.  We live in a high tech world and the people who invent and create these high tech items; they need to be particularly wise, knowledgeable and diligent in order to protect us from calamity.
  4. Terror attack is never good regardless of the victims. We must prayer for those left in the aftermath of the terror attack on the mosque.
  5. Pray that our schools would again teach history. If we don’t learn our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of history in the rise of socialism, which will lead to communism.
  6. Some U.S. states are beginning to pass laws to force immunization. This is not freedom and it is not safe.  Many people cannot process the adjuvants that can lead to severe disorder and even death.
  7. Pray for our  (U.S.) President who must battle even his own party to try to lead the country.
  8. Many have been affected by the U.S. college scandal. Jobs will be lost, and students have been harmed.  We need integrity in the country, so these type of things don’t happen.  It appears that in this and some of the above, that the love of money is at the root of this evil.
  9. Fake News is propaganda. The most recent and blatant was the accusation made by the actor who claimed to have been beaten up by two conservatives when in fact, he paid people to beat him up to cause division.   A news report this week revealed more than a dozen of these type things that have occurred in just the last month.  This is pure propaganda and is designed to cause discord and to deceive people so that they make decisions based on lies.  We must pray for the TRUTH to be revealed in all situations and for people’s eyes to be opened and for them to have discernment.
  10. Many people have already thrown their hats into the U.S. presidential campaign for 2020.  President Trump has already had campaign rallies.  It is time to REALLY pray about this next election which truly will determine whether the U.S. remains free or goes socialist.
  11. Pray for all widows and orphans and especially those of our fallen military and law enforcement public servants.
  12. Pray for Father to reveal to us what He would have us to do to aid someone who needs help.
  13. I am hearing rumblings of ISIS gaining strength again. Pray against this enemy of our Father’s people living in the Middle East.
  14. Pray that President Trump will not be halted by members of the U.S. congress in trying to protect our borders.
  15. Pray for those who for some reason feel they cannot go on. May they reach for help and FIND it so that they do not chose to take their lives in despair.
  16. Pray for unity among the church denominations. Yeshua said that those not against them were for them!  There were and are differences and some are significant, but the heart of the Father would, I believe, wish for us to find SOME common ground—and love each other.
  17. Although some depend on pharmaceuticals for their existence for some reason or another, and while lowering the prices of prescription meds is a GOOD thing, pray that people would be healed and not NEED these meds and that they would not be dependent on them.  The whole pharmaceutical industry has become a giant entity that could control everyone who depends on it.
  18. Pray for the homeless, and pray that Father would reveal to each of us, someone who genuinely needs a hand out to help them back up.
  19. Pray for President Trump, for protection and good health for him and his family, for wisdom, knowledge, discernment, self control, courage, strength to lead our nation in spite of the opposition against truth and righteousness.
  20. Pray for the spiritual and political opposition, and that their eyes would be open to Truth that they might turn to Father and follow His ways.
  21. Pray for the general population, and that Father would pour His conviction out upon all and that we would all turn to Him in confession of sin, repentance, and obedience to Elohim.
  22. Pray that the conservatives of America would have the courage and strength to stand up and be active to the goal of protecting our southern border.
  23. Pray for the people who have so far been unable or unwilling to understand the sanctity of life from conception, so that they would reverse their thinking and remove unrighteous laws from the books that allow the murder of innocent babies.
  24. Pray for the people who honestly NEED asylum in America, and that they would be shown proper channels, so that our nation could be a help to those truly in need.
  25. Pray for those in charge of voter registration to accomplish a purge of illegal voters, so that our elections would be AMERICAN elections.
  26. Pray for victims of human trafficking, and that they would be found and returned and that this practice would be stopped.
  27. Pray for the leaders of “the church” who are whitewashing the Truth and deceiving their congregants.
  28. Pray that our Father’s will be accomplished in all things and that Yeshua would come soon.
  29. Prayer for Israel/Jerusalem, the land and the people.
  30. Prayer for those suffering during unseasonable cold weather conditions, especially the homeless and the poor.
  31. For those who are addicted whether to alcohol, drugs (both prescription AND street drugs) and pornography.

4 thoughts on “Prayer Points by Dr. Darlene

  1. Pray for guidance in the ability to be able to teach our younger children the truth of the Bible, for if Yahshua does not return in our life time they will hold on to the blessed hope of His return!

  2. I appreciate very much, Dr. Darlene and Natan, for sharing this list, because it allows me to agree and pray in unity with my brothers and sisters in Messiah. I thank our Father and Messiah Yeshua for hearing our prayers. Amein!!

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