Will the Real Judas Please Stand Up?

Matthew 26:14–15, Then Judas. When Yeshua plainly stated that he’d be crucified soon, Judas evidently became disillusioned, since he was expecting a Conquering King Messiah, not a Suffering Servant Messiah. With Yeshua as a conquering king, Judas could have expected a prominent position in Yeshua’s government.

The lust for money and power were likely the motives behind Judas’ following Yeshua (after all, Judas carried the money bag for Yeshua’s ministry). When Yeshua predicted his crucifixion, Judas’ incentives for following him suddenly vanished. Judas figured he’d salvage what he could of his unfulfilled expectations and enrich himself, even if it meant betraying Yeshua for money. Judas had come to the conclusion that Yeshua was a false Messiah faker and that he had wasted several years of his life following him, so, in his mind, giving Yeshua over to the Jewish authorities wasn’t an act of betrayal at all, but was an act of civil service to expose Yeshua as a trouble-making fraud.

To Judas, the Jewish leaders had been right after all to reject Yeshua as the Messiah. To them, he was merely a pretender, a deceiver, an agitator and a troubler, and Judas had come to the same conclusion. When Judas came to this realization, he now found it advantageous to his personal well-being to cast his lot in with the Jewish religious establishment and to make some money from it as well.


1 thought on “Will the Real Judas Please Stand Up?

  1. Sounds like a very likely interpretation to me. However, as it is written in Romans, he had merely “suppressed the truth in unrighteousness” of who Yeshua really was, and because, as James wrote, “this kind of wisdom does not come from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic;, for where there is bitter, jealous envy and selfish ambition, there is discord and every evil practice”, he became so conflicted within himself, he went demonically “mad”, and hung himself.

    “…..For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Messiah. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. ” [Php 3:18-19]

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