Is Satan Elohim’s Archenemy or Not?

I recently received a comment on this blog from a noted rabbinic Jewish apologist who doesn’t believe that Yeshua is the Messiah. He very politely took exception with my viewpoint (and that of the New Testament writers and Yeshua himself) that Satan is a major player in the affairs of men and that he is Elohim’s major end-times antagonist. This is, apparently, the viewpoint of modern rabbinic Judaism, which the commenter promotes.

Without trying to be offensive to this esteemed commenter, I must say that if the devil can get us largely to ignore him and his role in the promotion of evil in the end times, then he has gained a great victory over humanity. 

Now here is my response.   Natan

On this blog, we’re neither partial to nor attempt to promote either mainstream Christian or Rabbinic Jewish viewpoints; we endeavor, rather, to promote the truth as divinely revealed in the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.

Rabbinic Judaism is as divergent from second temple Judaism as modern era Christianity is from the religion of the disciples of Yeshua the Messiah as chronicled in the New Testament apostolic writings.

The same is true with regard to the more modern concept of rabbinic Jewish thought on the nature and work of haSatan as being more a force (the Yetzar Ra) than a personage. Indeed, the Tanakh has a broad view on the concept of “the adversary” or haSatan. On this we agree. But this view in no way precludes a literal personage by that name (which you admit), who is a major antagonist to Elohim (which you don’t admit). According to my research, this latter aspect of Satan’s role was widely accepted among second temple Jewish authors (for example, see Wikipedia’s article on “Satan”) as evidenced by many Jewish Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphal writers, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the LXX Jewish translators. Even the Gospels record that the Pharisees (the antecedents and spiritual forefathers of the modern rabbinic Jews), as did Yeshua, acknowledged the personality of Satan (Matthew 12:24–26 cp. Luke 11:14–18).

Furthermore, numerous New Testament passages acknowledge not only the personality of Satan, but his major opposition to Elohim. In fact, Yeshua even calls Satan “the ruler of this world” (John 16:11; 12:31). Elsewhere, Paul calls him “the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4), whom we learn that Yeshua the Messiah will destroy him at his second coming (1 John 3:8; cp. Revelation 12:7-10; 20:2-10). We could go on.

The main point here is that the Christian view (obviously minus its fantastical “devil” caricaturizations) of the personage and work of haSatan seems to be closer to normative Jewish second temple thought than is modern Talmudic rabbinic Judaism. Again, many examples could be given from second temple era Jewish literature, which viewed Satan not only as the instigator of sin at the tree of knowledge, but, even more importantly, was behind the demonic incursion (i.e. the nephilim led by Azazel at Mount Hermon) into the affairs of men in the antediluvian world thus precipitating Elohim’s flood judgment. The pre-rabbinic second temple era writers and New Testament apostolic writers make numerous references to Satan and his minions’ incursion at Mount Hermon as recorded in Genesis 6:2–6 as the source of the major evil that has fallen on this world and allude to the idea that divine judgments will be meted out against Satan, his fallen angels, demons and those humans that have sided with him in the last days (a major theme of the Book of Revelation) as precursor events leading up to the final redemption of Israel and the Messianic Era. May this day come soon! Amein!!

So we will have to agree to disagree on the point that the person of Satan is not a major player in the world of evil who Elohim will defeat. Divine scriptural revelation and ancient Jewish second temple documents just don’t seem to validate this viewpoint according to my research.


3 thoughts on “Is Satan Elohim’s Archenemy or Not?

  1. I recently heard the quote ” Satan’s greatest deception, was and still is convincing the world that he does not exist ” well it seems like you can fool most of the people, all of the time……

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