Building a Foundation Over a Black Hole…

I received this email today, and decided to share it with you. The writer succinctly expresses one of the main purposes of our ministry.

I also want to say thank you for the opportunity you give others to ask you questions and for all the information you provide!!! In the very beginning when I started to see that scriptures say something else than we were being taught I lost the “foundation” and underneath me was a big black hole. It was a very difficult time. While searching for the truth I found your video on YouTube on the book of romans and ever since I have gotten so much useful and valuable information from Hoshana Rabbah and it has helped me to slowly build up a new ground under my feet – this time a stable one. I just wanted you to know what a huge blessing it is and I thank our Father for it! — From KR


3 thoughts on “Building a Foundation Over a Black Hole…

  1. The saddest thing about this evil thing……… is when you take the time to show a person how to peak at the black hole by lifting up the ‘imaginations rug’ so beautifully covered in tickling ears design and folk are still happy to not only keep standing on that rug of lies but insist on dancing on it. FJ

  2. Amein! Exactly…We thank you too for exactly what KR stated…Thanks! Praise YHVH our Elohim for Hoshana Rabbah Ministry.

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