A word to all you spoiled brat, whining, cry baby “progressive” leftists: GROW UP!

From Zero Hedge at http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-11/few-cold-hard-facts-snowflakes.

A Few Cold Hard Facts For Snowflakes

Tyler Durden's picture

It’s simple…

1. You are unique, but not particularly special. No one really cares about your feels.

2. Rewards are for merits, not for showing up. You want something, work for it.

3. Success is not guaranteed, to anyone, ever.

4. Chelsea Clinton is not a typical case. Stepping out of college with a ridiculously overpriced degree in a totally worthless discipline does not entitle you to a corner office, a six-figure income, and keys to the Executive Shitter. Chelsea is a Clinton, and Clintons get special treatment.

5. You are allowing yourselves to be pawns of the Left who have been grooming you your whole lives to be their frontline in an uprising. Saul Alinsky called people like you “useful idiots”. You are happily following a group of rich, sequestered out-of-touch actors and “singers” who have no intentions of getting in the trenches with you. You are participating in riots funded by George Soros who has his own agenda and doesn’t give a shit about your hopes and dreams. He’ll cheerfully walk on your corpses to reach his goal.

6. Life is hard. You don’t always get to do what you want, when you want. And no one owes you anything. There is satisfaction in hard work and delayed gratification. 

And you’ll learn all of this if and when you grow the […] up.



9 thoughts on “A word to all you spoiled brat, whining, cry baby “progressive” leftists: GROW UP!

  1. What happened to all the rules for posting on your blog? This is extremely disappointing. You are whining no less than those you criticize, and certainly not reflecting a man of God in this communicative style, nor will anyone you are whining about likely ever see or listen to your messages, much less hear you speak of the love of God, nor his covenant of love. Shame on you- for you have shamed all of us who love and follow Yeshua.

    • The rules are my rules. I made them and this is my blog. Period.

      I let your comment through just for the fun of it. I almost deleted it. I’m curious what others’ response to Jeff’s comment is.

      It all goes to show that you can’t please all the people all the time.

      Though I didn’t write the article with which you take exception, calling sin sin isn’t sinful. Many in this younger generation need a good “spanking” (which you Bible students know, the Bible advocates——it’s called tough love) by the older generation because of their godless, amoral, humanistic, prideful and selfish ways. Or are you against that too?

      Maybe I should put on my loafers and sweater and become a wimpy Mister Rogers-style preacher like so many in the church have grown accustomed to. When a John the Baptist type preachers speak out, there are those who want to cut off his head. Oy vey!

      Ironically, this comment is an example of a complainer complaining about a complainer who’s complaining about complainers. This could go on forever.

      May YHVH bless you Jeff!

      • Natan, I get the same kind of flack for being a voice in the wilderness. Jeff, you need to go back & read some of the prophets. 17 years ago, I jeered the cable TV boxes out of my 2 teenage sons’ walls because they were arguing with each other over TV (while they each had there own). Their terminally ill daddy lay in his hospital bed in our bedroom and watched. He hadn’t said much in a while but he spoke. “I’m going to call you the no nonsense lady. I used to think you were just mean, but that’s not it, is it? You just don’t put up with nonsense.” I could used him backing me up long before that day. I asked him if it took him dying to finally see that.

        Some of the kids (and adults as well) need a knot yanked in their tails. They need a good dose of the fear of Yehovah.

        Be sober & vigilant. The devil wants to destroy us. Those kids are rebellious cry babies. They need a wake up call. I am so done with the mamby-pamby compromised wimpy people of God.

        Hey, I unfriendly my almost 40 year old son (as he sat across the table from me in a restaurant) for smack talking me. We have very open communication & my grown sons can speak their hearts to me, but over my dead body are they allowed to be bratty & disrespectful, even as grown men, much less as children.

        My now husband & I have 5 kids & 12 grands & I cannot tolerate bratty behavior from any of them. That is nonsense.

      • Thank you for your comments.

        Those of us who have raised kids understand exactly what you’re saying and agree with you. I suspect that those who’ve never raised kids who are now adults (I have four), or their kids are still very young, have no clue what we’re talking about. If they have raised their children to be permissive, rebellious, bratty, smack-talking, insolent and disrespectful kids, I have one question for you: How’s it going for you now? I hear silence out there. Could have predicted it.

        I’m reminded of a saying I heard recently. It goes something like this: Those who know the least about something say it the loudest.

  2. Amen and amen! The article simply expresses a reason we’re in the shape we’re in and the Word of Elohim backs it up. Thank you Natan for NOT being just another user friendly, ear-tickling voice. May YHVH bless you and your family always!

  3. Well, Natan, I know this first one is secular in origin, but a timely truth considering Jeff’s disparaging commentary.

    “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth” ~ Aristotle

    But from a pure scriptural viewpoint:

    Galatians 4:16 Tree of Life Version (TLV)
    16 So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?!

    Truth is not always pleasant and void of sting. The cold, hard truth isn’t always pretty and wrapped with a bow. I think Jeff might have the same mindset as the ones in the article and that’s why it pained him so, because truth always hurts the most when it is realized, but that doesn’t mean it is accepted.

    No shame for me. I thought it was just fine, Natan. Keep it coming. I look forward to your posts and teachings. I have never read or witnessed anything shameful, disappointing, unkind, unloving or whiny from you.

    Thank YHVH you are a man of passion of truth and not just a hireling. I much prefer some unadulterated truth, than the cotton-candy drivel that is preached by the majority of mainstream pulpits.

    • Thank you for the encouraging vote of confidence. In the ministry, there aren’t a lot of kudos this side of eternity——especially when one puts as much time, effort and passion into as I do for no material gain or reward. I get weary sometimes and wonder why I keep going, but the grace of Yah compels me. I guess that’s what being a bondservant is about.

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