The Office of Bishop

Acts 20:28, Overseers [or bishops].

The word bishop 1985 is the Greek word  episkopos and means “an overseer, patron, one who watches or protects, one who cares for others, a man charged with the duty of seeing that things to be done by others are done rightly, any curator, guardian or superintendent;  the superintendent, elder, or overseer of a Christian church” (TDNT, vol. 2, p. 608). This word or related cognates occur only several times in the NT (Luke 19:44; Acts 1:20; 1 Tim 3:1, 2; 2 Tim 4:22; Tit 1:7; 3:15; 1 Pet 2:12, 25).

Once again, Yeshua is the Chief Shepherd and Bishop over his people (1 Pet 2:25), with those holding those earthly offices under his authority.

The TDNT notes that the role of the episkopos is to strengthen that of the pastor in watching over the flock (e.g., Acts 20:28; 1 Pet 5:2). The NT with regard to the congregation in Ephesus seems to equates the episkopos with the presbuteros (or elders-leaders of a congregation, see Acts 20:28) indicating that there is more than one leader or overseer over a congregation—literally, a group of leader-elders. Elders (presbuteros), pastors (poimen) and bishops (episkopos) are again viewed as equivalent in regards to local leadership in 1 Peter 5:1 and 2. In this passage, the leadership terms are in the plural, thus not indicating a central lead figure per se although it is the scriptural norm from the time of the patriarchs, through the priesthood, judges and kings of Israel to have a human who exercises ultimate authority. Such leaders can be elected (Acts 1:21ff; 6:3ff) or be appointed by an apostle (Acts 14:23; Ibid., p. 615f)


2 thoughts on “The Office of Bishop

  1. I like your study on this, but we see not Bishop(s) in traditional assembly, church, etc; except for the Catholic church. Why do we as followers of Yeshua not imitate the structure his apostles seem to follow or set-up? Shalom

    • This is a really intriguing question you’re asking.

      In the time of the apostles, it was easier to establish positions of leadership in churches because of apostolic succession. Yeshua himself trained his disciples who he appointed as apostles who then appointed elders, bishops, other apostles and so on. Who could question those who were directly appointed by Yeshua himself? In some instances, no doubt, the cream simply rose to the top as was the case with Stephen who originally was a deacon and because of his spiritually abilities became a preacher. The same is true of Phillip who became an evangelist. Some people show spiritual aptitudes toward teaching, pastoring/shepherding, evangelizing and so on, and people recognize their spiritual gifts and the fact that the Holy Spirit has called them to that spiritual office of responsibility. If a person had prophetic gifts that were validated as being genuine, then they were recognized as a prophet. This is true in our day. What I don’t see in the NT is bishop, prophet, apostle, pastor, etc. being used as titles. They were job descriptions and were evidence of the spiritual calling and gifts that were already operating in a person’s life.

      However, I shy away from applying titles like bishop or apostle to someone. First, this is partly because the whore church system has so misused titles largely as the hirelings that many of them are for money and power/control purposes, and not for genuine service after the heart of Yeshua. Second, the appropriation of such titles is often presumptive and may or may not have anything to do with the actually calling of YHVH on a person’s life. Third, we don’t have apostolic succession or an authoritative body to validate who is a bishop, apostle or not. The RCC claims to have this authority, but this hugely presumptive on their part despite their claims and traditions. Now all we have are individuals who promote themselves using these titles — again usually for money and power/control purposes. This has to be rejected. These are kingdom of men that won’t stand.
      My sense is that when the end times crunch really comes and YHVH begins to sift his people through great tribulation and the wheat and tares begin to be separated, the spiritual cream will begin to automatically rise to the top in the body of Yeshua. It will become evident to all who are true prophets, apostles, pastors, bishops, etc. No one will need to self-promote. The spiritual fruits along with the fear and authority of Elohim will accompany them as a divine validation of their spiritual office.

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