Are you a blasphemer? Don’t say “No” too quickly!

On the one hand, many people claim to love the God of the Bible, and on the other hand, they are, often unwittingly, blaspheming him. How is this possible?

Deuteronomy 28:15, To the voice of YHVH. What is the voice of YHVH? Is his voice the voice that uttered the Torah at Mount Sinai? Is it the voice of his Spirit inside of you? Is it the voice of Yeshua as largely recorded in the red letters of the Testimony of Yeshua, or is it the entire Word of Elohim called the Scriptures?

If his voice is all of the above, then should any parts aspects of his voice contradict with any other?

If we have a theology where one aspect of YHVH’s voice contradicts with and another and we believe something he has said has been “done away with,” then what does this imply about the mind and nature of YHVH? There is a psychological term for this. It is called schizophrenia, a dual or multiple personality disorder or insane.

Now we would never dare label YHVH with such terms, for to do so would be blasphemy, yet many of our religious beliefs make YHVH into something that he is not, and we risk become an unwitting party to attaching this blasphemous labeling to the Almighty Creator if we subscribe to these false theologies.

One things is certain. YHVH is not a liar, nor does he ever contradict himself. If there seems to be a problem with inconsistency in YHVH’s Word the problem is with our ­misunderstanding or misinterpretation of it, and NOT with the actual Word or voice of YHVH!


2 thoughts on “Are you a blasphemer? Don’t say “No” too quickly!

  1. The sad part is that I was basically (and many still today) are being taught this schizophrenic god. Creating a god in a image that is more appealing to the society and culture of the times.

    I praise יהוה for the fact that He does not change! It provides me with so much Shalom and joy in KNOWING this fact and living accordingly.

    Thank you Mr Natan! Shalom

    • You nailed it: “Creating a god in their own image.” This is called secular humanism. It’s picking and choosing what we want to do or conforming the word of Elohim to fit our whims instead of conforming ourselves to YHVH’s word regardless our personal feelings and biases. It started at the tree of knowledge and the lies of the serpent. I fear for people that have done this, and teachers who teach it. The latter have the greater accountability before YHVH.

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