Lessons from Balaam, the Selfish, Willful Manipulator

Balaam's ass 3

Numbers 22:21–22, A willful, selfish manipulator. Balaam was willful, greedy, arrogant, rebellious and presumptuous in the face of YHVH’s revealed will. Balaam was attempting to manipulate YHVH through soulish means for his personal gain.

But the moral of the story is that YHVH is sovereign over the affairs of men regardless of men’s machinations. The will of YHVH cannot be manipulated or bent to accommodate men’s selfish ambitions. After all, how can man—a created being—hope to play mind games with the Sovereign Creator of the universe and win? In the end, man will be humbled and YHVH will be exalted as was the case with Balaam—an arrogant and internationally acclaimed “prophet.” He was made to look like a fool through a talking donkey and all this occurred in front of the accompanying delegation of Moabite leaders.

It was evident to all that Balaam was but a pawn in the hands of YHVH, and that if YHVH could make a brute beast speak, then he was certainly capable of putting his words into the mouth of mortal man, albeit a sorcerer.

What lessons can we learn here? Is it wise to toy with or tempt Elohim or try to manipulate him to fit our will? How often do we attempt to bend his will to fit our own? How often do we have our own carnal and selfish agendas and then attempt to convince ourselves and others that it is the will of YHVH? What are the end results? How many people go through life on this basis and never grow in their walk since they have never learned to distinguish between their will and that of the Almighty?

When we finally submit to YHVH and let go of our own selfish agendas, it is then that we start to have the breakthroughs in our lives and begin to experience his joy, shalom and victory not to mention an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father.


4 thoughts on “Lessons from Balaam, the Selfish, Willful Manipulator

  1. Learning to distinguish my will from the Father’s will is still something that I am learning to do as well. It can be difficult sometimes because His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are so much higher than our own. However, the more I study and learn, the easier this becomes. One very important lesson that I have learned is that obedience to the Father is the key to knowing who He is. Thank you for this teaching! It brought up conviction in my heart. I know I am weird, but I love conviction! Bring it on!

  2. There was a time i wanted/needed to do something to regain a possession because it was being used to break a commandment…I prayed for help in this matter because I wasn’t doing it out of revenge or self-righteousness and I told Yehovah that if He agreed with me to make a way where there was no way and the very next morning I got it back….I think it’s okay to ask for a sign that our will is aligned with His!

  3. I’ve encountered the opposite as well – people / “prophets” using scripture or a word to basically manipulate you into their will. “God has not released you from this prayer group” or “if you leave this church you will go out from the covering of the prophet.”

    Knowledge of scripture in context as well as the Spirit of Truth will set you free from manipulating religious voices.

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