Job — the Heavenly Treasure Hunter

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Throughout the entire book of Job, Job is seeking higher spiritual truth beyond the conventional wisdom of the religious folks of his day.

It was the prevailing viewpoint that all human suffering was a direct result of sin, and that blessing was a result of obedience to the laws of Elohim. In the minds of those who held this viewpoint, there was middle ground between these two poles. Job’s wife took it a step further. She urged him to take the easy way out by admitting that he was a sinner and then to curse Elohim and give up and die (Job 2:9).

Not only was Job earnestly seeking the middle ground of truth, but also the higher ground. He knew there was a higher truth that his friends and wife were missing and despite the discouraging and misguided lectures from is so-called friends, he doggedly sought that revelation in the midst of his suffering.

His diligent persistence finally paid off when YHVH not only sent him a wise human counselor, but also himself showed up at the end of the book to answer Job’s longing question that begged an answer.

Yeshua said that those who would persistently ask, seek and knock would acquire the desires of their hearts (Matt 7:7). Likewise, Paul teaches us that we will reap in due time if we don’t grow weary and faint in the mean time (Gal 6:9).

This is the story of Job’s life, and should be our story too. Keep seeking the higher truth. Even as the earth doesn’t yield its gold nuggets without much digging and toil; likewise, heaven doesn’t give up its rich spiritual treasures except to those who will value them enough to earnestly and arduously dig for them.


1 thought on “Job — the Heavenly Treasure Hunter

  1. They don’t call it the MEAN- time for nothing! “When our tribulations get too light we tend to stray from Thee,” as the song “Lord, don’t move the mountain” says. it is often through our trials that we learn the Truth so we can tell others how to get through their trials with the help of the Truth, which shall set you free! Hallelu-YAH! So keep on digging guys.., seek and you shall find and boy, do I love the finds…thanks Natan for all your teachings, makes me hungry for more so know you’re doing a good job!

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