Shame on the U.S. Supreme Court!

I just got back tonight from a backpacking trip into the high cascades of Central Oregon with my youngest son. We camped at the 7,100 foot level just below Broken Top, which is a 9,177 foot tall extinct volcano. Here are some picture to prove it:








While I was up in the mountains, five Elohim-hating, secular humanist, moral-relativist judges of the U.S. Supreme Court thumbed their noses at the Creator of marriage, and His moral code, the Torah, by which humans are to live or face YHVH Elohim’s divine judgement, and they “legalized” “homosexual marriage” in the U.S. At least two of these foolish and miscreant judges are Jewish and were raised with an understanding of the Torah. Shame on them!

I feel a little bit like Moses who after having gone up to Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Statements from Elohim, he came down to find that the children of Israel had largely abandoned Elohim’s commandments and had gone whoring after the idolatrous gods of sensuality. You know the rest of the story.

After prayer and reflection, I will have more to say on this sorry turn of events in this nation that once claimed the motto: “In God We Trust” (i.e., the God of the Bible who is YHVH Elohim), and to be “one nation under God.”

In light of the current events, we can only wonder what “god” these perverts are now following.

Make no mistake about it! It is Baal — the ubiquitous god of sexual perversion and the hater of all of YHVH’s laws. Baal’s motto is “Do what thou wilt” and “If it feels good, do it.”

Baal is known by many names around the world in all the false, non-biblical religions, but it’s the same god. It’s a front for Satan the devil, who is YHVH’s chief opposer.

Here’s a video I did not long ago on what the Bible says about homosexuality. I love homosexuals, but I hate their sin!

In the mean time, maybe I’ll head back to the refuge of the mountains to await the second coming!


4 thoughts on “Shame on the U.S. Supreme Court!

  1. Hi Nathan, great to see you lookin healthy. What a stunner that decision was, but in a way its what we expect to happen as wickedness increase and mankind turns its back on YHVH and many professing christians applauding this take on a” form of godliness”. Things really seem to be moving very fast. We have a government here in UK who want to legalise suicide. Murder of babies is already legal.

    Blessings to you all. with Love Bob

    • Good to hear from you again Bob. I have thought of you from time to time and wondered how you’re doing.

      It seems that the UK and other European nations are simply a little ahead of the U.S. when it comes to spiritual darkness.

      We must now pray and seek YHVH for guidance about what our response should be. In a sense, it seems that Bible believers are merely in survival mode. We’re hunkering down waiting for the second coming as the spiritual bombs and missiles fly at us from all directions. What more can we do other than to do our best to remain faithful to YHVH’s Truth in our personal lives?

  2. The notion of them legalizing Homosexual marriage is abhorrent enough, but when the U.S. Supreme Court decides to completely violate the 10th Amendment, then they have kicked started the ability to take way peoples basic rights even to follow what God they choose.

    • Absolutely correct. The action of the Supreme Court is a harbinger of things to come. Our nation is in a steep moral decline and we are moving faster in that direction. Without spiritual revival brought on by repentance, this nation is heading downward. This process has been going on for 100 years. At this time, I see nothing happening that will stop this process. So buckle your seat belts. There’s a lot more to come!

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