We’re killing ourselves…

Garbage in garbage out. We get out of something what we put into it. Why should we expect good results out of bad actions? It’s illogical to do so.


Yet quite often I have to pray for healing over sick people who are putting garbage into their bodies in the junk food and chemical pharmaceuticals they consume, and the carcinogenic poisons they smear onto their bodies in the cosmetics, soaps and creams they use. Now they are unhealthy and their bodies are riddled with diseases and they wonder why, and they want YHVH to heal them, even though they refuse to change their lifestyles.

Quite frankly, I struggle praying for such people. My healing faith for them is small.

Why should Yah heal them when they profane the body he has given them and refuse to repent their deleterious ways? Answer that question!

In our modern, self-indulgent culture, I see this going on all the time. It grieves me greatly, yet many people are so lacking in self discipline and they stiffen their necks at the thought of changing their errant ways, and you can’t tell them otherwise. How sad!

We’re killing ourselves and we wonder why…


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