Back Around Again! Parashat Bereisheet (Gen 1:1–6:8)

We’re starting the yearly scripture reading schedule again. Study with us this year as we study and discuss our way through the entire Bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.

Have you ever read the entire Bible from start to finish? Now you can by reading just a few chapters each day from each of the four sections of the Bible each day (the Torah/the Pentateuch, the Neviim/Prophets, the Writings/Ketuvim and the Testimony of Yeshua/New Testament. First, download a free Scripture reading from our ministry website at and start along with us.

Today, we’ll start by study in Genesis. You can download a free study guide at (for adults) or (for the young and young at heart).

Post you comments and questions on the comment box on this blog.

Enjoy and happy studying!


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