Demons from hell unleashed!

From World Net Daily —FAITH UNDER FIRE


‘This little boy, he was called Andrew’

The images of atrocities by Muslim fighters in Iraq – and Syria – against their soldier and civilian enemies have been have circulating for some time already. There have been reports, many documented in images and even videos, of ISIS crucifixions, executions, mass burials and worse.

But now Americans collectively are being left gasping by a flood of new reports and photographs depicting such horrors being inflicted on children.

One such report came recently from the  Anglican Communion News Service, which said the son, age 5, of a founder of Baghdad’s Anglican church was “cut in half during an attack by the Islamic State,” a name by which ISIS also is known. (To continue reading


3 thoughts on “Demons from hell unleashed!

  1. The Demons from Hell are mostly easy to spot, it’s the “Judas Iscariot’s” that we have among us that we seemingly just put up with, the “Erav Rav” the enemy from within is our greatest enemy, and we have many, If Ebola and Isis are coming our way, they should be easy to spot.

  2. These are some sick demon possessed people, who need to be sent straight to HELL! They are not wanting repentance, they want to die for jihad so why do we not give them just that. We have weapons that can take them out in a minute, why are we letting our allies suffer? Sorry, but this makes me really mad. Shalom

  3. Dear ones, let’s not become disheartened, discouraged or angry by news like this. It’s not yet time for heaven on earth. Yeshua told us that things get worse until He returns. May we allow the hardship we suffer in this world to draw us even closer to Abba. 1 Thes. 5:18 says: give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Messiah Yeshua.

    Let us not grow weary… Keep Andrew’s parents bathed in prayer. Remember what Joseph said to his brothers: You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Gen. 50:20) It’s not our mortal lives that are saved, dear ones, but our incorruptible life in the second Adam. So we have reason to give thanks. Instead of focusing on what the enemy may be up to, please let’s keep our focus on the Author and Finisher of our faith, and remember the meaning of Hoshana Rabbah.

    God bless you and keep you…

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