The Promised Land is YOUR land too!

Numbers 34:2, This is the land. The land of Canaan as described in this passage is but a small portion of Israel’s total land inheritance from the Creator.

In the Abrahamic Covenant YHVH made to Abraham and to his descendants, this promise has yet to be fulfilled (review Gen 17:8 cp. 15:18). 20091268 Never in Israel’s long history as a nation has it possessed and inhabited the land from Egypt to Iraq.

If YHVH’s promise hasn’t been fulfilled yet, unless he lied to Abraham and the Word of Elohim can’t be trusted, this promise is yet to be fulfilled.

In Ephesians 2:12, Paul mentions “covenants of promise” (plural). Most redeemed believers have heard of the New Covenant and know that it somehow relates to them, but Paul speaks of covenants (plural) with regard to the one-new man believer in Yeshua (read the next few verses for context). Other than the New Covenant (singular), what other covenants (plural) that YHVH made with the nation Israel might Paul be referring to?

Do you see yourself as a son of Abraham and an inheritor of these promises? (See Rom 4:16; 9:8–11; Gal 3:7, 9; 14, 28–29.) Paul did. What was Paul thinking, how does this affect you and your future, and how does this square with what the church typically teaches is the future inheritance of the saints?


1 thought on “The Promised Land is YOUR land too!

  1. I was amazed to realize that before I was born again, Elohim started giving me a connection to Father Abraham through the Sunday School stories I heard as a child. In fact, one year before I was born again, I heard Yah’s voice for the first time: “Janelle, the story of Abraham’s giving up his most special promise from Elohim of a son will be the bedrock of your walk with me. Everything that I build on that foundation will keep you connected to your Father Abraham.” I had very little understanding of what that meant, but I agreed with the awesome truth I was registering in my spirit that day. It would be four decades later that I began seriously accepting the same promises God gave Abraham. Yes, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob really are our ancestors!!

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